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Cognoma ml-workers

This repository houses the machine learning worker code. The workers access the core-service using an HTTP RESTful API. The machine learning code used by the workers comes from the machine-learning repository.

Getting started

Make sure to fork this repository on +GitHub first.


  • Python 3 - tested with Python 3.5.1
  • virtualenv - tested on 15.0.2


USERNAME=your_github_handle # Change to your GitHub Handle
git clone [email protected]:${USERNAME}/ml-workers.git
cd ml-workers
virtualenv --python=python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --requirement requirements.txt


Replace '/ml-workers' with the path to your directory

docker run -v /ml-workers:/code ml-workers /bin/bash -c "python"



This project is deployed within the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation AWS account. To be able to deploy this project you will need to:

  1. Be invited to the account.
  2. Receive an AWS access key and secret key.

Logging Into ECR

This project leverages AWS Ec2 Container Service (ECS). ECS provides a private container registry called the Ec2 Container Repository (ECR). To be able to push Docker images to this repository you will first need to get a login with:

aws ecr get-login --region us-east-1

and then run the output of that command. It will look something like:

docker login -u AWS -p <A_GIANT_HASH> -e none

Building, Tagging, and Pushing the Container

Run these commands:

docker build --tag cognoma-ml-workers .
docker tag cognoma-ml-workers:latest
docker push

Restarting the ECS Task

Navigate to Cognoma's ECS Tasks Page and select the tasks corresponding to the ml-workers. The task will have a Task Definition like cognoma-ml-workers:X which can be used to identify the correct task. Once you have selected the correct tasks click the Stop button. This will cause the tasks to be stopped and ECS will restart them with the new version of the container you have pushed. Therefore you're now done.