local install
git clone
cd coinpit-bots
npm install
TEMPLATE=BTCUSD DEPTH=0.5 STP=10 SPREAD=0.1 STEP=0.1 QTY=5 node src/index.js /Users/rocky/Downloads/privateKeyFile.json
# privateKeyFile.json : downloaded key file from coinpit application
using docker container
docker run -d -v /path/to/privatekeydir:/privKey \
-e TEMPLATE=BTCUSD -e DEPTH=0.5 -e STP=10 -e SPREAD=0.1 -e STEP=0.1 -e QTY=5 \
coinpit-bots:2.0.0 node index.js /privKey/privateKeyFile.json
# privateKeyFile.json : downloaded key file from coinpit application
explanation of environment variables:
- TEMPLATE (default BTCUSD): The instrument series to make market on.
- STRAT (default collar): Defines strategy for market maker bot. Other option is random.
- SPREAD (default 0.1): Spread from index price. If index 620, then closest buy will be 619.9 and closest sell will be 620.1
- DEPTH (default 0.5): Defined how much deep market maker will go. In the above example buy will be from 619.9 to 619.5 and sell will be from 620.1 to 620.5
- STEP (default 0.1): Defined step between each price. In the above example buys will be 619.9,619.8,619.7,619.6,619.5 and sells will be 620.1,620.2,620.3,620.4,620.5
- QTY (default 5): Quantity in each order.
- STP (default 10): Stop Points when placing an order
- CROSS (default false): enables cross margin.
- PREMIUM (default 6): Sets buy premium