A grunt task to run your Behat BDD tests
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-behat
Then add this line to your project's grunt.js
This task is a [multi task][types_of_tasks], meaning that grunt will automatically iterate over all behat
targets if a target is not specified.
###Example Config
behat: {
example: {
options: {
output: false,
failOnUndefined: false,
failOnFailed: false
cmd: './bin/behat',
features: 'features/',
flags: '-f pretty'
example2: {
features: 'features/',
####Features Set this to be the path to your features directory
####Cmd Set path to behat binary if not in PATH
####Options Options can be used to set when the task should fail and the output that will be displayed when its does.
####Flags The flags can be used to configure Behat, see http://docs.behat.org/guides/6.cli.html for the flags that behat accepts.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
- 24/08/2012 - 0.1.0: Initial release.
Copyright (c) 2012 Paul Dixon
Licensed under the MIT license.