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Oleg edited this page Jan 24, 2018 · 7 revisions


Layout defines content areas for the page. For example, if you need a page with header, footer, and some content you'd need something like this:

    <div class='header'>
      {{ cms:text header }}
    <div class='content'>
      <h1> {{ cms:text header }} </h1>
      {{ cms:markdown content }}
    <div class='footer'>
      {{ cms:snippet footer }}

If this layout is chosen during page creation you will notice that you are presented with form fields that correspond to the tags defined in the layout content. In this case you'll have a header text field and content text area. When page is rendered, tags are replaced with content that you defined.

Application Layout

In most cases you'll want to use stylesheets/javascripts and general html layout that you already have in your application. For that it's enough to select an App Layout. It will be listed as a file that is found in /views/layouts when you edit a layout in Sofa. This way you limit exposure of what can be managed in Sofa. Let's say your application layout is application.html.haml:

!!! html
    = render 'layouts/head'
    = render 'layouts/header'
      = yield
    = render 'layout/footer'

Now we don't need to worry about anything but the small bits of HTML. We can simplify our layout to:

  <h1>{{ cms:text title }}</h1>
  {{ cms:markdown content }}

Nested Layouts

Let's say you need to define a CMS Layout that has left and right columns. It looks exactly like your one-column layout, but now there's two. You could just copy-paste it and modify it, but that's not really good. Remember the often-used {{ cms:markdown content }} tag? Content tags with content label allow layout nesting. Note: Tag type could be markdown, wysiwyg, textarea, text, or whatever as long it's a Fragment based tag with content label.

Based on the previous examples this is what two-column layout would look like:

<div class='left'> {{ cms:markdown left_column }} </div>
<div class='right'> {{ cms:markdown right_column }} </div>

But what about the Title? If you specify our first layout as a parent in actuality you are dealing with layout that has this content:

<h1> {{ cms:text title }} </h1>
<div class='left'> {{ cms:markdown left_column }} </div>
<div class='right'> {{ cms:markdown right_column }} </div>

What happened here is that content of this layout is merged into the parent via {{ cms:markdown content }} tag. You can have multiple levels of nesting if you so desire.

CSS and JS

You can manage CSS right here in Sofa. Helps in those cases when you need to move that logo 2px to the left without redeploying the application. The trick is to somehow link that resource to the page. You'll notice that you have routes available:

comfy_cms_render_css  GET /cms-css/:site_id/:identifier(/:cache_buster)(.:format)
comfy_cms_render_js   GET /cms-js/:site_id/:identifier(/:cache_buster)(.:format)

So all you need to do is link to a proper path. So if your site has id 1 and layout identifier is default the path to css will be: /cms-css/1/default.css. Same applies to javascript link.

If you're not using application layout, you can output CMS managed css and js like so:

    {{ cms:asset layout_identifier, type: css, as: tag }}
    {{ cms:asset layout_identifier, type: js, as: tag }}

If you use application layout, this is how you'd link assets:

  = stylesheet_link_tag comfy_cms_render_css_path(, @cms_layout.identifier)
  = javascript_include_tag comfy_cms_render_js_path(, @cms_layout.identifier)
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