Medieval Game created by Ishaan Aggarwal, Eustolio Cruz, Aaron Necoechea
Github URL:
Eustolio Cruz: [email protected] Aaron Necoechea: [email protected] Ishaan Aggarwal: [email protected]
Project Description: 2D Unity Game with a medieval theme. Single player game that is executable from a .exe file. Player must survive the levels leading up to the main boss scene by avoiding taking damage from small enemies. Player will be able to eliminate enemies with attacks and new skills that will be unlocked as the game progresses. If player loses at any point in the game, they will have the option to restart. Once the player defeats the main boss they have completed the game.
Project Components: Our team has successfully accessed our unity game and are able to push and pull without conflicts. We have made our first map scene using 2d box colliders that we will need for our gameplay. We have the assets we will use throughout the project uploaded into our unity folders for easy access.
Special Note(s): Initially was going to be a project done through Unreal engine, but due to hardware limitatios it has been decided that it will be done through Unity instead.
How to Move: A/Left Arrow: Left D/Right Arrow: Right Space: Jump