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Snapshot 5 Final

Mansoor Haidari edited this page May 6, 2023 · 15 revisions

Final snapshot

  • Final Snapshot #5 - Status report

Project is completed at this time and tested

Completed Activities

Updated README File and Repository Link

Added Project artifacts in the Repository Link

Project artifacts - This should be checked into Git files

Virtual Reality or VR Testing Link

Website Testing and Evaluation Link

Final Senior Project Poster

Poster 2 Final Poster 1 Final


Website Link: Link


  • Source code
  • Conducted extensive testing to ensure that all part of the website is working.
  • Requirements Documents
  • Modified colors of algorithm visualization
  • Modified color, font, and etc.


  • A Tkinter application has been developed to implement a machine learning model for predicting heart disease using TensorFlow and Keras libraries. The model consists of two layers, including a dense layer and a sigmoid layer. The dense layer helps the machine to identify the significant variables for predicting heart disease. The sigmoid layer uses the sigmoid activation function to generate the probability of heart disease, ranging from zero to one.

  • Before feeding the data into the neural network, the application sanitizes it by filling any null or unknown values with the dataset's median and scaling all the data between zero and one. This approach ensures that the data fed to the model is accurate and relevant, and the predictions generated are reliable.

  • The Tkinter application provides an interactive interface for the users to input their data and obtain the probability of having heart disease. The application is user-friendly, making it easy to navigate and operate even for those without prior experience in using machine learning models. The predictions generated by the application can aid in early detection and prevention of heart disease, potentially saving lives.




Design Documents

  • Design Document Update Complete. link

Weekly Meeting Schedule

Weekly Stand-Up Meeting with Professor

  • Every Friday at 1:00 PM Via Zoom

Project is Complete and ready for Oral Presentation Day


All activities have been completed and there are no challenges or concerns blocking the project from moving forward.

Git repository must have a PC executable file, iOS/Android package, or URL for a web site.