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$completium-cli is a command line interface to interact (originate, call, ...) with Archetype smart contracts on the Tezos blockchain.

Getting started

The CLI is distributed as a npm package. Install it with the following command:

npm i @completium/completium-cli -g

Once installed, run the init command:

completium-cli init

The list of available commands is displayed with:

completium-cli help


The Tezos blockchain provides several networks:

  • a main network which is the real operating network where real cryptocurrency are exchanged
  • several test networks:
    • one in the same version (to test current network)
    • one(s) in the future main net version(s) (to test/prepare future version of smart contracts)
    • optionally several in older versions

Each version of the blockchain is given a name (..., Carthage, Edo, Florence, ...).

An endpoint is an entry node to the network. You interact with the blockchain through an endpoint. You need to specify the endpoint's URL when interacting with the blockchain.

$completium-cli offers a convenient network management system to register, show and switch networks.

Show current endpoint

Display the endpoint completium is currently using:

completium-cli show endpoint

For example:

$ completium-cli show endpoint
Current network: granada
Current endpoint:

Switch endpoint

Select the current endpoint with the following command:

completium-cli switch endpoint

$completium-cli comes with a set of pre-configured endpoints:

$ completium-cli switch endpoint
Current network: edo
Current endpoint:
? Switch endpoint …
❯ main

Add endpoint

completium-cli add endpoint (main|florence|granada|hangzhou) <ENDPOINT_URL>

Remove endpoint

completium-cli remove endpoint <ENDPOINT_URL>


Interacting with a contract requires a Tezos account to sign the transactions. An account is identified by an account address starting by tz1, like for example tz1MZrh8CvYkp7BfLQMcm6mg5FvL5HRZfACw.

$completium-cli provides a convenient account management system to register, list and switch account. Each account is associated with an alias.

Import account


When working with the test network, you need fake currencies to interact and test the contracts. There exists a faucet from which you can download a faucet file to generate a test account from.

completium-cli import faucet <FAUCET_FILE> as <ACCOUNT_ALIAS>

Private key

completium-cli import privatekey <PRIVATE_KEY> as <ACCOUNT_ALIAS>

Show current account

The following command displays the account $completium-cli is currently using:

completium-cli show account

Switch account

completium-cli switch account

Set account

completium-cli set account <ACCOUNT_ALIAS>


The following command transfers tez from one account to another:

completium-cli transfer <AMOUNT>(tz|utz) from <ACCOUNT_ALIAS> to <ACCOUNT_ALIAS|ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

For example:

$ completium-cli transfer 5.2tz from bob to alice

Remove account

completium-cli remove account <ACCOUNT_ALIAS>


Deploy / originate

deploy is the command to originate an archetype contract (with file extension .arl), and originate is the command to originate a michelson contract (with file extension .tz).

$ completium-cli (deploy <FILE.arl> | originate <>) \
    [--as <ACCOUNT_ALIAS>] \
    [--named <CONTRACT_ALIAS>] \
    [--parameters <PARAM> ] \
    [--amount <AMOUNT>(tz|utz)] \
    [--metadata-storage <PATH_TO_JSON> | --metadata-uri <VALUE_URI>]
    [--init <MICHELSON_DATA>]
Command Description
--as Deploys with specified account. Default account is the one returned by command completium-cli show account.
--name Names deployed contract with specified logical name. Logical name is used to refer to contract when calling or displaying contract.
--parameters Specifies archetype parameter values (only with archetype contract)
--amount Amount of XTZ to sent when deploying contract.
--metadata-storage Adds metadata to contract from json file (only with archetype contract).
--metadata-uri Adds metadata to contract from uri (only with archetype contract).
--init Overwrites contract initial storage with Michelson value.
--test-mode Generates entrypoint _set_now to set now value (only with archetype contract, to be used only on testnet)
--force Does not prompt for parameter validation.

For example:

$ completium-cli deploy mycontract.arl --amount 15.5tz

This creates a contract alias mycontract.


The following archetype contract requires one parameter fee when deployed:

archetype payment(fee : tez)

variable amount : tez = 150tz

entry pay(seller : address) {
  transfer (amount - fee) to seller

The command to deploy:

$ completium-cli deploy payment.arl --parameters '{ "fee" : "5tz" }'


One way to set metadata is to provide a json file as the --metadata-storage argument.

For example the following metadata file:

$ cat fa12_metadata.json
  "symbol": "MTK",
  "name": "MyToken",
  "decimals": "1",
  "description": "description of MyToken",
  "thumbnailUri": ""

Then the command to deploy the FA 1.2 contract:

$ completium-cli deploy fa12.arl --metadata-storage fa12_metadata.json



It is possible to show data related to a contract alias:

$ completium-cli show contract <CONTRACT_ALIAS>

For example:

$ completium-cli show contract demo
Name:     demo
Network:  edo
Address:  KT1CQmaCLLdEQ3X9PmxoqEAy3Xusvs1J5wW1
Source:   /home/dev/.completium/sources/demo.arl
Language: archetype
Version:  1.2.2

All contracts

The following command lists all contracts managed by $completium-cli:

completium-cli show contracts


It is possible to show the contract source with:

$ completium-cli show source <CONTRACT_ALIAS>


completium-cli show entries <CONTRACT_ADDRESS|CONTRACT_ALIAS>

The command also works with a remote contract address:

completium-cli show entries KT1EFgRdrT4r6QLx2riZiPNHjo7gcQM8n7f7
%confirm (_ : unit)
%submit (%ckey : address, %pscore : int)
%decide (_ : unit)


It is possible to show contract's storage:

$ completium-cli show storage <CONTRACT_ALIAS|CONTRACT_ADDRESS>

or in json format:

$ completium-cli show storage <CONTRACT_ALIAS|CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --json

For example:

$ cat simple.arl
archetype simple
variable v  : nat = 0
entry setvalue(p : nat) { v := p }

$ completium-cli deploy simple.arl
? simple already exists, overwrite it? Yes
Originate settings:
  network	  : granada
  contract    : simple
  by          : admin
  send  	  : 0 ꜩ
  storage	  : 0
  total cost  : 0.082488 ꜩ
? Confirm settings Yes
Forging operation...
Waiting for confirmation of origination for KT1WVrMD4RWVEkW9gWqH4ntEMNBckG7Lucm8 ...
Origination completed for KT1WVrMD4RWVEkW9gWqH4ntEMNBckG7Lucm8 named simple.

$ completium-cli call simple --arg '{ "p" : 2 }'
Call settings:
  network	  : granada
  contract    : simple_nat
  by		  : admin
  send		  : 0 ꜩ
  entrypoint  : default
  argument	  : 2
  total cost  : 0.000532 ꜩ
? Confirm settings Yes
Forging operation...
Waiting for ooGRwqf9GKYsvvggiyqYEF1xRqa9gnXcQDvJJjDt73M1yTrmyAV to be confirmed...
Operation injected:

$ completium-cli show storage simple

$ completium-cli sjow storage simple --json
{ "int" : 2 }


$ completium-cli call <CONTRACT_ADDRESS|CONTRACT_ALIAS> \
  [--as <ACCOUNT_ALIAS>] \
  [--entry <ENTRYPOINT>] \
  [--arg <ARG>] \
  [--arg-michelson <MICHELSON_ARG>] \
  [--amount <AMOUNT>(tz|utz)] \
Command Description
--as Deploys with specified account. Default account is the one returned by command completium-cli show account.
--entry Name of the entrypoint to call. Must be omitted if the contract has only one entrypoint.
--arg Specifies entrypoints parameter values (see example below).
--arg-michelson Specifies entrypoints parameter values in Michelson format.
--amount Amount of XTZ to sent when calling contract.
--force Does not prompt for parameter validation.

For example, if mycontract.arl defines a (non-unique) entry point payback:

entry payback (i : int, n : nat) {
  // ...

The command to call the entry is:

$ completium-cli call mycontract --entry payback --arg '{ "i" : -4, "n" : 5 }'


This section presents examples of parameter and argument values to pass to deploy --param and call --arg commands.

Archetype type Michelson type Value examples
nat nat 5
int int 5, -10
string string "hello"
date timestamp "1629965551", "2022-01-01T12:00:00Z"
bool bool true, false
duration int -965551
address address "tz1..."
bytes bytes "10abff"
rational pair int nat [-5, 2]
tez mutez 5000000, "5tz", "5000000utz"
int * string pair int string [-5, "hello"]
option<int> option int null (for none), 1 (for some(1))
or<int, string> or int string { "kind" : "right", "value" : "hello" }
list<string> list string ["world", "hello"]
set<string> set string ["hello", "world"] (mind order)
map<nat, string> map nat string [{ "key" : 0, "value" : "value for 0" }, { "key" : 1, "value" : "value for 1" }] (mind order)
asset myasset { id : nat, value : string } map nat string [{ "key" : 0, "value" : "value for 0" }, { "key" : 1, "value" : "value for 1" }] (mind order)

Generate javascript

The javascript version of the contract is required when a DApp is originating the contract using Taquito.

The command to generate the javascript version is:

completium-cli generate javascript <FILE.arl|CONTRACT_ALIAS>

For example:

$ completium-cli generate javascript mycontract.arl > mycontract.js

The generated mycontract.js file exports:

  • the Micheline/Json code of the contract
  • the getStorage method to build the initial storage

See here an example of how to use in a DApp.

Generate whyml

The whyml version of the contract is required to formally verify the contract with Why3.

The command to generate the whyml version is:

completium-cli generate whyml <FILE.arl|CONTRACT_ALIAS>

For example:

$ completium-cli generate whyml mycontract.arl > mycontract.mlw

The generated mycontract.mlw file defines 2 modules:

  • Mycontract_storage that defines the storage
  • Mycontract that defines entrypoints


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