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Blog for the Conan Team

  • Preview in local:
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev zlib1g-dev
sudo gem install github-pages
jekyll serve _config.yml --watch

If you are writing a post with a future publication date and you want to check it out in local, pass --future to jekyll. Otherwise, it won't be generated until the publication date:

jekyll serve _config.yml --watch --future
  • Preview in local: Docker
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/srv/jekyll -p 4000:4000 jekyll/jekyll:latest sh -c "gem install webrick && jekyll serve --host"

See blog at localhost:4000

  • Create new post: Just create the file with the format

Post Front Matter

Each post needs a few fields and there are optional fields as well for SEO optimization

layout: post
comments: false
title: "Short meaningful title to display on the web page"
meta_title: "(optional) A longer more descriptive title for search engines to index"
description: "A short summary of the post that will be displayed in the search engine results"
last_modified_at: "(optional) the date the post was last updated to improve search results and relevance"
keywords: "(optional) comma, separated, values, for seo optimization"

Note: SEO Structured Data - This is was attempted but is currently undefined. It was previously done with TechArticle however that probably is not list by Google's supported list


Highlight specific lines on a code block

As Jekyll 4.4 has not been released yet, some custom plugins have been added to provide that functionality:

  • line_highlighting.rb: will provide a liquid API to highlight lines on code block emulating native not yet released functionality
  • md_hl_syntax_to_liquid.rb: provide a kramdown API to previous liquid syntax
  • inline_highlight.rb: plugin to allow highlight code in-line

Also, when dealing with line highlighting on a enumerate list, kramdown will break the auto enumeration. The only solution found by the team is to declare each list item as &nbsp;<number>

The &nbsp; basically blocks auto-numbering for numbered items.