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A common floating H5 menu, independent of any third-part libraries, compatibility with PC Web, showing the text and icon of menu items in a no-blocked way based on the location of the menu, support for drag and configuration.
Download or install via npm (npm install h5-floating-menu)
// initialization, set the configuration
import H5FloatingMenu from 'h5-floating-menu';
new H5FloatingMenu([_menuConfig_]);
Or import via script element:
<script src="_path/to/h5-floating-menu.min.js_"></script>
// initialization, set the configuration
new H5FloatingMenu([_menuConfig_]);
the configuration properties are as follows:
property | description | type | default |
zIndex | 'z-index' property in css | number | 11 |
landscopeMode | whether 'landscope' mode | boolean | false |
initialLeft | initial location of the menu, 'left'property in css | number or string | '50%' |
initialTop | initial location of the menu, 'top'property in css | number or string | '50%' |
menuItemSize | size of the menu item | string | '50px' |
menuItemGap | gap size of the menu item | string | '6px' |
menuItemBackgroundColor | background color of the menu item | string | '#fcfcfd' |
menuItemTextColor | font color of the menu item | string | '#eaffee' |
menuItemTextFontSize | font size of of the menu item | string | '14px' |
mainIconClose | main icon of the menu when the menu is folded | string | '<svg ...omitted.../svg>' |
mainIconOpen | main icon of the menu when the menu is unfolded | string | '<svg ...omitted.../svg>' |
menuItems | menu items | object array | [{...properties of each object is blow...}] |
properties of the menuItems is as follows:
property | description | type |
icon | icon of the menu item | string |
text | text of the menu item | string |
callback | callback js script of the menu item after clicking | string. e.g, `console.log('customer service');` |
hide the whole menu.
show the whole menu.