This plugin pulls project inforation from Todoist, and creates a note for each project, in a tree structure.
- when a project is delete in Todoist, the corresponding note is archived.
- if a project is restored, the corresponding note is restored from the archive.
- if a project is moved or renamed, the corresponding note and sub-notes are moved and renamed.
You have the following settings to work with:
- TodoistToken: The API-token from todoist that is required to access their api for your account.
- PrimarySyncDevice: if this field is set, projects will only sync on the device with this name. This is to prevent sync-problems if projects are updated on multiple devices.
- TodoistSyncFrequency: The interval, in seconds, between each sync.
- TodoistProjectFolder: Defines which folder the todoist notes should be created in.
By default, the newly created notes contains a link to the project in Todoist, and the code to show todos for the current project, assuming you have the Todoist Plugin installed.
It is recommended that you also install the Obsidian Folder Notes plugin - if you don't you will have both folders and notes for any project that has sub-projects. The note for these projects will be inside the folders.