An LED matrix driven by a Raspberry Pi to display your currently playing Spotify album.
This was written alongside a blog post centred around the headless setup of a Raspberry Pi, and creating a tool from the ground up. You can check that out here. For a condensed set of installation steps, but if you want more narrative, check the blog post out. There are a number of limitations and improvements that can be made, and I welcome them all in the issues of this repo.
This is designed to be run on a Raspberry Pi 3B+, with docker compose
outlined in the blog post. Grab the Docker image conorjf/piframe from here.
Then follow the installation steps as follows:
1) Add docker-compose.yaml to the Pi
2) `docker compose pull`
3) `docker compose run -it piframe spotibar --init`
4) Follow steps as in the spotibar repo here:
5) `sudo chmod -R 777 config/`
6) `docker compose up -d`