Returns the top clicked links over the specified time period.
Usage: mctl [OPTIONS]
Exports top links from Mailchimp campaigns sent over the specified period to
--api_key TEXT Mailchimp API key [required]
--server TEXT Mailchimp server
--list_id TEXT Mailchimp list ID [required]
--since TEXT Examine campaigns since this date (yyyy-mm-dd)
--before TEXT Examine campaigns before this date (yyyy-mm-dd)
--minimum_clicks INTEGER Exclude links with fewer clicks than this
--help Show this message and exit.
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --editable .
mctl \
--api_key $(op read "op://Home/Mailchimp API Key/credential") \
--server us7 \
--list_id 267911a165 \
--since 2024-01-01 \
--before 2024-12-23