Les-Tilleuls.coop is a tech worker cooperative specialized in e-commerce, trainings and free software. We bring your projects to life by combining creativity, durability and cutting-edge development.
If you're interested in the free software we back, check out their dedicated GitHub pages:
- 🕷 API Platform: create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time, written in PHP and TypeScript
- 🎼 Symfony: a set of reusable PHP components and a framework for web projects
- 💌 Mercure: real-time made easy, open protocol and reference implementation written in Go
- 🔨 Vulcain: fast and idiomatic client-driven REST APIs, open protocol and reference implementation written in Go
- ⚡️ React ESI: blazing-fast Server-Side Rendering for React and Next.js, written in TypeScript
- 🐲 FrankenPHP: modern PHP app server written in Go
- 📄 Doctrine JSON ODM: an Object-Document Mapper (ODM) for Doctrine ORM leveraging new JSON types of modern RDBMS
- 🛡️ OAuth2 Server Bundle: a spec compliant, secure by default PHP OAuth 2.0 Server for Symfony
- 🏄 ESQL: PHP Extended SQL
- 📦 Our other projects
- 🤝️ How we work as a worker cooperative
- 💰 Revenues (🇫🇷)
- 🧙️ Titles for programmers
- 🚞️ Onboarding guide for newcomers