For the journey ahead.
This script will:
- Change configurations that might lock you out, break stuff or otherwise compromise your server.
- Output secrets in plain text and save it to the disk.
Provision is a shell script in Bash that sets the initial configuration required for a production grade server to host web sites and applications. It's tailor made for my needs but it just might suit yours.
Here's an overview of what it'll do.
- Update the server's hostname.
- Upgrade existing packages.
- Install Docker, fail2ban, and a few more new packages.
- Harden SSH configuration and switch to an alternative port (822).
- Reset firewall configuration and block all incoming traffic except on selected ports (822, 443, 80, and 53).
- Change root's password.
- Create new user, setup remote authentication, and customize its shell.
- Allow passwordless sudo.
- Create swap space equivalent to the available memory.
Some options are available via command flags. See --help.
Assuming you're root:
cd /tmp
curl -O
chmod +x
./ --username arthur --hostname --public-key --dokku --digital-ocean
This project is licensed under public domain.