A web application for cataloging, indexing and analyzing our personal Magic: The Gathering card collections.
- Allow for adding cards to the index
- Collect card records into collections and decks
- Cross-reference cards and decks with friends
- Allow for public and private decks
- Note which cards are in which decks
- Mana curve charts
- Output to CSV
- Lending library?
There are likely plenty of programs out there for this, but this is fun for me to build and replaces my buddies' spreadsheets.
Make sure you have pip and virtualenv. Also, manadex currently depends on mongodb, though this is likely to change once I've arrived at a stable schema.
virtualenv manadex
activate manadex
python setup.py develop
honcho start
Then visit http://localhost:8080
** It is advisable to run at least Python 2.7.11 (don't forget to update virtualenv) ** Make sure your python install path is all lowercase (i.e. c:\python27). See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8688709/virtualenv-on-windows-7-returns-assertionerror for more info.
#####Modify Procfile to this. web: python manadex/app.py --config=manadex/config.py db: mongod --dbpath c:\mongodb\data grunt: grunt watch
If you run mongo as a service, take out the mongo line.
#####Run the following commands:
npm install
virtualenv manadex
python setup.py develop
honcho start*
*Sometimes less would not run with honcho. If this happens and your css is not updating, simply manually run a grunt less.