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Editing the Exclusion List

llimllib edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

Sometimes websites make use of the keyboard shortcuts that make Vimium so useful; in these cases you probably want to tell Vimium not to run on that particular page. Fortunately, vimium comes with the ability to define an “exclusion list” of sites that you don’t want it to run on.

To edit this list,

  1. navigate to chrome://extensions/ (i.e. put that address in the address bar and hit enter)
  2. click on the “options” button for vimium
  3. add the site you want to exclude into the exclusion list
    1. the entries in the list are regular expressions. So if you want to block vimium from running on google reader, thus ensuring that its keyboard shortcuts work, you can enter:*
      into the box.
    2. enter one site per line that you want to exclude
  4. hit “save options”
  5. the sites in your exclusion list will now be blocked.