is a simple script for generating Smith-type Truchet tiles, like this:
The script needs 2 libraries which can be installed by running sudo pip3 install drawSvg argparse
Just run python3
to run the script. All arguments are optional.
By default this image will be generated:
The script is self documenting and takes these options:
python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT] [--tile TILE]
[--stroke STROKE] [--color COLOR] [--seed SEED] [--squares]
[--output OUTPUT]
Generate svg of random truchet tiles.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--width WIDTH Width of svg in tiles. (default: 10)
--height HEIGHT Height of svg in tiles. (default: 10)
--tile TILE Size of tile in px. (default: 40)
--stroke STROKE Stroke width of arcs. (default: 4)
--color COLOR Color of arcs. HTML colors are valid and should be
**quoted**. Eg: "#800000", "rgb(0,255,0)", "blue" (default:
--seed SEED Seed value for PRNG. (default: 42)
--squares Add tile boundaries, stroke=1/color="silver" (default:
--output OUTPUT Output filename (default: truchet.svg)