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Welcome to the QUDA enabled Columbia Physics System!

GPU SUPPORT Mx=y solve

This CPS library has been modified to offer limited GPU support for fermion inverters. Currently supported fermions are:

  1. Clover Fermions
  2. Wilson Fermions
  3. Twisted Mass (Wilson)

One may utilise the CG or BICGSTAB QUDA inverter type simply by setting the CPS inverter type as required. A new CPS enumerator QUDA_GCR_INVERTER has been included to utilise the QUDA GCR inverter.

GPU SUPPORT M^{\dagger}Mx=y solve

We have implemented partial GPU support in the HMC routines. The fermion matrix inversion is done on the device, but the gauge force and pseudo-heatbath routines are presently still done on the host. Currently supported fermions are:

  1. Wilson Fermions
  2. Twisted Mass (Wilson)

N.B. When using the twisted mass fermion action, the epsilon parameter must be set as a Global Job Parameter in the DoArg structure. Simply set

do_arg.epsilonTm = Your Value;

at compile time.

All extra files and functions needed to enable QUDA support are contained in the directory src/util/quda_interface and the header file include/util/quda_interface.h. Please review the file src/util/quda_interface/quda_interface.cpp to adjust the QUDA settings as you need. All modified files in CPS pertaining to GPU support are delineated by the compiler flag

#ifdef USEQUDA

and all changes, including the extra features, are delineated by

      ... code changes ...

Examples on how to use the GPU enabled library are given in this release for both single hadron and two hadron channels. The modifications required to allow existing code to use this library should be minimal. For details, please refer to the differences between GPU enabled and CPU only files, highlighted in our production code package. Instructions for configuring and making this package are given below.


To configure this library on scalar, BG/Q, or other CPU architecture, please refer to the README file in CPS. To configure for GPU, run:

$ ./configure CXXFLAGS=" -DUSEQUDA -I/path/to/quda/include -I/path/to/cuda/include" 

from the QUDA-CPS_v5_0_26/ directory. You must already have working installations of QUDA and CUDA.

CPS can be configured for multiple architectures from the same source tree. In this case, we recommend keeping the source tree and build trees separate. An example build for scalar and GPU follows:

$ mkdir cpscpu cpsgpu 
$ cd cpscpu 
$ ../QUDA-CPS_v5_0_26/configure CXXFLAGS="-Wno-write-strings" 
$ make 
$ cd ../cpsgpu 
$ ../QUDA-CPS_v5_0_26/configure CXXFLAGS="-Wno-write-strings 
-DUSEQUDA -I/path/to/quda/include -I/path/to/cuda/include" 
$ make 

(The -Wno-write-strings flag is optional, but recommended to silence compiler warnings.)


The CPS library should be built separately from the simulation code that composes the rest of this package. To build the rest of the package after building CPS, edit the top-level makefile.defs and then run make. A top-level make will fail if CPS is unbuilt or if makefile.defs is not properly configured. An example makefile.defs corresponding to the above configuration example is:

CPSSRC = /path/to/QUDA-CPS/QUDA-CPS_v5_0_26#CPS source code
CPSGPU = /path/to/QUDA-CPS/cpsgpu#built GPU version
CPSCPU = /path/to/QUDA-CPS/cpscpu#built scalar version
QUDA = /path/to/quda
CUDA = /path/to/cuda
FFTW = /path/to/fftw


Dependencies for all (GPU and scalar) simulation code are: QUDA-CPS 5.0.26 ; FFTW 3

Dependencies for GPU simulation code are: QUDA 0.5.0x 0.6.x ; CUDA 4.1+


Several extra features not found in the current CPS release are included in this package:

  1. Stout Gaussian Kernel Link Smearing

    This routine applies the link smearing procedure outlined in For the time being only GKLS_STOUT is supported. Incorporating stout smearing into the HMC routines is ongoing.

  2. Z2 X Z2 stochastic sources

    We have included an option to use Z2 X Z2 stochastic sources. The enum type is ZTWOXZTWO.

  3. Diluted/Smeared Stochastic Sources

    The QPropWRandWall class has been extended to include interlace dilution and/or Jacobi smearing. Please refer to src/alg/alg_qprop/QPropW.C for the necessary arguments one needs to pass to these classes.

  4. Diluted/Smeared Momentum Shell sources

    The QPropWMom class now inherits directly from QPropW. It includes a new member function mom_src[src_phase] that is analogous to the the QPropWRand member function rand_src[src_value]. This new member function is necessary for the calculation of momentum shell sources. The structure of the new QPropWMom and derived classes is the same as the new QPropWRandWall classes in that one may employ dilution, Jacobi smearing, or both.

  5. Smearing and Gauge Fixing

    In order to properly apply the gauge fixing matrices to the source and sink fermion fields, we needed to change the order in which gauge fixing and smearing are performed. For the source this is a simple case of reodering some function calls, but for the sink we must move the gauge fixing routine out of QPropW.Run() and into GaussSinkSmearProp(). As a result, when using gauge fixing and smeared operators, one must set the new QPropWArg flag smeared_snk = 1 so that the internal routines can perform gauge fixing in the correct order.

    N.B. The current release of CPS contains a bug in the function GFWallSource(). We have fixed the bug in this release.


All changes to the current vanilla version of CPS are delineated by

      ... code changes ...

to allow for easy identification. We request that any changes or additions in pushes to the public repository be delineated in the same fashion to ease the merging procedure.


We welcome all questions, comments, suggestions, complaints... but most of all, we like bug reports. Thank you.

Dean Howarth howard3 at rpi dot edu Matthew Bernstein bernsm3 at rpi dot edu


The CPS library with QUDA support.






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