This script does three things...
- Checks the Google Page Speed Insights desktop and mobile scores for an array of sites you provide
- Sends email notification when scores are below a pre-set threshold
- Generates a "dashboard" web page with the scores
Ideally, you will cron this to run regularly (daily or weekly) so you'll always be proactively updated of your sites' performance. If a desktop or mobile score of one of your properties falls below the threshold score you set, an email will be fired off. It's recommended that this email goes to a distro of stakeholders in your organization (Dev, Ops, Marketing, etc).
Your organization will be able to more easily monitor these performance scores and hard-code them into key performance indicators.
Add these four things to PageSpeedInsightschecker.php
- your key for the Google PageSpeed Insights API, available here
- number between 1 and 100 that you consider an acceptable Google PageSpeed Insights score for the sites you're checking
- one or more sites to check
- an email address to send the notifications
Cron PageSpeedInsightschecker.php so it goes off on a regular basis
Here's what the web page dashboard looks like when the script is done running.
And here's a screenshot of the email notification that's generated when the script finds a mobile or desktop score that falls below the threshold.