Commandline interface to CrafterCMS. Learn more at
The first command needed to work with this tool is add-environment
, you need to provide a name, the url for a
CrafterCMS authoring server and the authentication information:
crafter-cli add-environment -e local -u http://localhost:8080 --username john --password --generate-token
Once the environment has been added, you can create projects and sync a remote repository:
crafter-cli create-site -e local -s editorial --blueprint org.craftercms.blueprint.editorial
crafter-cli add-remote -e local -s editorial -n origin -u
crafter-cli sync-to -e local -s editorial -n origin -b site-updates
It is also possible to create a project from a remote repository and later sync it:
crafter-cli create-site -e local -s my-site -n My Site \
-r --clone -u -b development \
--username john --key /home/john/private_key
crafter-cli sync-from -e local -s editorial -n origin
To create a group:
crafter-cli create-group -e local -gn test-group -gd "Description of the group"
You can bulk import groups by providing a CSV file with the format: group name, group description
crafter-cli create-group -e local -gi /path/to/group.csv
You can publish content to the Live or Staging targets (Staging must be enabled to publish to it):
crafter-cli publish-content -e local -s editorial --publishingTarget live --items "/site/website/index.xml"
crafter-cli publish-content -e local -s editorial --publishingTarget staging --items "/site/website/index.xml"
To publish multiple items, separate them by a comma:
crafter-cli publish-content -e local -s editorial --publishingTarget live --items "/site/website/index.xml,/site/website/health/index.xml"
You can add optional (soft) dependencies to the publish command:
crafter-cli publish-content -e local -s editorial --publishingTarget live --items "/site/website/index.xml" --optionalDependencies "/templates/web/pages/category-landing.ftl"
crafter-cli publish-content -e local -s editorial --publishingTarget live --items "/site/website/entertainment/index.xml,/site/website/articles/2021/1/men-styles-for-winter/index.xml" --optionalDependencies "/templates/web/pages/category-landing.ftl,/templates/web/pages/article.ftl"
You can schedule content to be published:
crafter-cli publish-content -e local -s editorial --publishingTarget live --items "/site/website/index.xml" --schedule "2025-10-31T01:30:00.000-05:00" --comment "My comment"
For a detailed list of commands & arguments run crafter-cli help