Dancing game app which scores your dance moves and also allows you to save your dance moves. This project was created as a part of senior project during our time at Code Chrysalis. We created this project in 3 weeks. This repository has code only for the backend of this project. Frontend repo is here
- ExpressJS server
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
In order to get started, you need following accounts:
- Mongo DB database locally on your computer or on a cloud service like Atlas
- Auth0 account
- .env file in root directory
DB_USER_NAME=<MongoDB username>
DB_PASSWORD=<MongoDB password>
COLLECTION_NAME_SONGS=<Database name in MongoDB>
DB_URL=<URL to connect to your MongoDB>
AUTH_DOMAIN=<Domain of your Auth account>
PORT=<Port which server should listen to>
- GET /api/songs
- POST /api/songs
- GET /api/songs/:titleOrCode
- GET /api/moves/:songcodeOrMoveid
- POST /api/moves
- POST /api/scores
- GET /api/scores
- GET /api/scores/:songId/:moveId
- GET /api/scores/:userId
- POST /api/users
- GET /api/users/:userID
To install dependencies
Start the server on PORT specified in environment variables Or your system port
yarn start
Once you start server, following models should be created in MongoDB in your database
- songs
- moves
- scores
- users