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Releases: creativetimofficial/material-kit-react


14 Apr 11:31
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  • Upgrade React 18
  • Update dependencies and dev-dependencies

Material Kit 2 React

11 Jan 16:29
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[2.0.0] 2022-01-11

Bug fixing

Major style changes

  • Migration from Material-UI to MUI v5.
  • Migration from JSS to styled api, emotion and sx prop.
  • Product folders and files structured are updated: README
  • New components are added
  • New example blocks are added
  • Components and Example Blocks are now totally customizable and reusable

Deleted components

  • Badge
  • Card
  • Clearfix
  • CustomButtons
  • CustomDropdown
  • CustomInput
  • CustomLinearProgress
  • CustomTabs
  • Footer
  • Grid
  • Header
  • InfoArea
  • NavPills
  • Pagination
  • Parallax
  • Snackbar
  • Typography

Added components

  • MKAlert
  • MKAvatar
  • MKBadge
  • MKBox
  • MKButton
  • MKDatePicker
  • MKInput
  • MKPagination
  • MKProgress
  • MKSocialButton
  • MKTypography
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Cards
    • BlogCards
      • BackgroundBlogCard
      • CenteredBlogCard
      • TransparentBlogCard
    • CounterCards
      • DefaultCounterCard
    • InfoCards
      • DefaultInfoCard
      • FilledInfoCard
    • ReviewCards
      • DefaultReviewCard
    • RotatingCard
    • TeamCards
      • HorizontalTeamCard
  • Footers
    • CenteredFooter
    • DefaultFooter
    • SimpleFooter
  • Navbars
    • DefaultNavbar

Deleted dependencies


Added dependencies


Updated dependencies


Updated dependencies

11 May 09:24
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[1.10.0] 2021-05-11

Bug fixing

  • #86
    • This issue cannot be solved, it comes from the react-swipeable-views plugin, this plugins is no longer maintained, even Material-UI has dropped its usage and stopped animating the Nav Pills, so, we’ve dropped their usage as well
  • #85
    • Tested this inside a Linux environment, and evrything worked as expected, maybe the issue was solved by the new Material-UI version
  • #75
    • This issue will be closed, as people might want to change the brand component from Button to something else, for example a Link from react-router-dom

Major style changes

Deleted components

Added components

Deleted dependencies

  • history (no more need for this one, we'll use BrowserRouter instead of Router with history)
  • react-swipeable-views (no longer maintained)

Added dependencies

Updated dependencies

@material-ui/core                          4.10.0   →    4.11.4
@material-ui/icons                          4.9.1   →    4.11.2
classnames                                  2.2.6   →     2.3.1
moment                                     2.26.0   →    2.29.1
node-sass                                  4.14.1   →     6.0.0
nouislider                                 14.5.0   →    15.1.0
react                                     16.13.1   →    17.0.2
react-datetime                             2.16.3   →     3.0.4
react-dom                                 16.13.1   →    17.0.2
react-scripts                               3.4.1   →     4.0.3
react-slick                                0.26.1   →    0.28.1
@babel/cli                                 7.10.1   →   7.13.16
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties    7.10.1   →    7.13.0
@babel/preset-env                          7.10.1   →    7.14.1
@babel/preset-react                        7.10.1   →   7.13.13
eslint-config-prettier                     6.11.0   →     8.3.0
eslint-plugin-prettier                      3.1.3   →     3.4.0
eslint-plugin-react                        7.20.0   →    7.23.2
gulp-append-prepend                         1.0.8   →     1.0.9
prettier                                    2.0.5   →     2.3.0
typescript                                  3.9.3   →     4.2.4


Warnings might appear while doing an npm install - they do not affect the UI or the functionality of the product, and they appear because of NodeJS and not from the product itself.

npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react@^16.5.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

You will also have the following message: found 80 vulnerabilities (1 low, 79 moderate). This comes from react-scripts, and will be fixed in the next version. NOTE: the product works as expected with these vulnerabilities.

Updated dependencies

28 May 13:28
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[1.9.0] 2020-05-28

Bug fixing

Major style changes

Deleted components

Added components

Deleted dependencies

Added dependencies

Updated dependencies

@material-ui/core                          4.3.2   →    4.10.0
@material-ui/icons                         4.2.1   →     4.9.1
history                                    4.9.0   →    4.10.1
moment                                    2.24.0   →    2.26.0
node-sass                                 4.12.0   →    4.14.1
nouislider                                14.0.2   →    14.5.0
react                                     16.9.0   →   16.13.1
react-dom                                 16.9.0   →   16.13.1
react-router-dom                           5.0.1   →     5.2.0
react-scripts                              3.1.0   →     3.4.1
react-slick                               0.25.2   →    0.26.1
react-swipeable-views                     0.13.3   →    0.13.9
@babel/cli                                 7.5.5   →    7.10.1
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties    7.5.5   →    7.10.1
@babel/preset-env                          7.5.5   →    7.10.1
@babel/preset-react                        7.0.0   →    7.10.1
eslint-config-prettier                     6.0.0   →    6.11.0
eslint-plugin-prettier                     3.1.0   →     3.1.3
eslint-plugin-react                       7.14.3   →    7.20.0
prettier                                  1.18.2   →     2.0.5
typescript                                 3.5.3   →     3.9.3


While in development some of the plugins that were used for this product will throw some warnings - note, this only happens in development, the UI or the functionality of the product is not affected, also, if the issues will persist in React 17, we'll drop usage of those plugins, and replace them with other ones.
Warnings might appear while doing an npm install - they do not affect the UI or the functionality of the product, and they appear because of NodeJS and not from the product itself.

Updated dependencies

26 Aug 14:58
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Bug fixing

  • Rewrote the ISSUE_TEMPLATE
  • Deleted the copyright comments from all files, we only need to keep them inside our index.js and index.html
  • Added script that adds copyrights to the built app
  • Renamed all the files from .jsx to .js
  • Changed the withStyles function from Material-UI with the makeStyles function (integration with other frameworks should now be easy)
  • React Hooks is now supported

Major style changes

  • Renamed assets/jss/material-dashboard-react/layouts/dashboardStyle.js to assets/jss/material-dashboard-react/layouts/adminStyle.js

Deleted components

Added components

Deleted dependencies

Added dependencies

Updated dependencies

@material-ui/core         4.1.0   →    4.3.2
@material-ui/icons        4.1.0   →    4.2.1
react                    16.8.6   →   16.9.0
react-dom                16.8.6   →   16.9.0
react-scripts             3.0.1   →    3.1.0
eslint-config-prettier    4.3.0   →    6.0.0
@types/googlemaps        3.36.4   →   3.37.3
ajv                      6.10.0   →   6.10.2
typescript                3.5.1   →    3.5.3

Updated dependencies

19 Jun 07:24
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We've skipped versions 1.5.0, 1.6.0 so that all React Material products would be on the same version.

Bug fixing

Major style changes

Deleted components

Added components

Deleted dependencies

Added dependencies

Updated dependencies

@material-ui/core                          3.9.2   →    4.1.0
@material-ui/icons                         3.0.2   →    4.1.0
history                                    4.7.2   →    4.9.0
node-sass                                 4.11.0   →   4.12.0
nouislider                                13.1.0   →   13.1.5
prop-types                                15.7.1   →   15.7.2
react                                     16.8.1   →   16.8.6
react-dom                                 16.8.1   →   16.8.6
react-router-dom                           4.3.1   →    5.0.1
react-scripts                              2.1.5   →    3.0.1
react-slick                               0.23.2   →   0.24.0
react-swipeable-views                     0.13.1   →   0.13.3
@babel/cli                                 7.2.3   →    7.4.4
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties    7.3.0   →    7.4.4
@babel/preset-env                          7.3.1   →    7.4.5
eslint-config-prettier                     4.0.0   →    4.3.0
eslint-plugin-prettier                     3.0.1   →    3.1.0