A small extansion providing a language grammar for the use
and soil
languages developed at the University of Bremen (USE Documentation).
Forked by CS++ from Saniamos's upstream
This package aims to add minimalistic support for use and soil files in context with the UML and OCL modelling tool USE. It mainly helps me in my homework assignments in the Cours Design of Information Systems at the University of Bremen.
- Syntax Highlighting for
files - Comment & Uncomment
- Primitive Formatter
The package adds a simple language grammar which uses the JS syntax scope for highlighting.
The language grammar also adds ctrl+/ commenting and uncommenting for free.
The package adds a primitive formatter.
It only ever applies one rule: let keywords breathe ie add extra space before and after certain keywords (:
, :=
, ->
, =
No requirements, just install and enjoy.
Feel free to contribute or fork this project!
For mor information please check the changelog.md file.
Initial Release - enough to be usable in the information system course at the University of Bremen