CS174 Final Project: Image Uploading and Purchasing
Imagine images is a website that allows for users to upload, sell, and buy pictures. It's made with Materialize CSS on the front end and a PHP Backend.
It's simple! Navigate to the website, log in with your Google account, and you're ready to go!
- EC2 Instance
- RDS Database running MySQL
- Rekognition
- S3 Bucket
- MaterializeCSS
- JQuery
- Let's Encrypt
- Google O-Auth Sign-In
Well, this is a school project, so it'll probably stay like this for a while. I see potention in this site more for buisness wanting to share photos in other departments. For now, I'll leave it running and let people use it as they please.
Files are stored in a way that the URL can be distrubted to anyone (That's probably the biggest fix I need to make). So don't put any sensitve photos.