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Container image for Islandora Bagger.

The application repository contains the documentation Islandora Bagger, this is likely a good place to start for learning how to use the application and how to use.

Produces archival information packages, Bags, for objects using Islandora's REST interface. For more information see Islandora Bagger


Requires Docker v24+ and islandora/nginx Isle Buildkit image to build. Please refer to the Nginx Image README for additional information including additional settings, volumes, ports, etc.


Environment Variable Confd Key Default Description
BAGGER_APP_ENV dev PHP Symphony app environment (dev, prod, test)
BAGGER_QUEUE_PATH '%kernel.project_dir%/var/islandora_bagger.queue' Location of the queue
BAGGER_LOCATION_LOG_PATH '%kernel.project_dir%/var/islandora_bagger.locations' Location of the bag log path
BAGGER_APP_SECRET 123 PHP Symphony app secret
BAGGER_CROND_LOG_LEVEL 0 crond log level
BAGGER_CROND_ENABLE_SERVICE false Enable scheduled job managed by cron to process the queue
BAGGER_CROND_SCHEDULE 1 2 * * * Define the schedule of the queue processor
BAGGER_BAG_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX The hostname/path to where users can download serialized bags. From config/services.yaml
BAGGER_DRUPAL_URL https://drupal URL of the Drupal app
BAGGER_LOG_LEVEL info Log level. Possible Values: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency, none
BAGGER_CROND_LOG_LEVEL info Log level. Possible Values: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency, none
BAGGER_OUTPUT_DIR "%kernel.project_dir%/var/output" Path to store generated archival information packages (bags)
BAGGER_QUEUE_PATH "%kernel.project_dir%/var/islandora_bagger.queue" Path to the queue file
BAGGER_TEMP_DIR "%kernel.project_dir%/var/tmp" Path to the temp directory
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_REGISTER_BAGS_WITH_ISLANDORA false Register creation of this Bag with Islandora Bagger Integration
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_NAME "nid" How to name the Bag directory (or file if serialized). One of 'nid' or 'uuid'
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_NAME_TEMPLATE "aip_%" Template for the Bag name. The % is replaced by the nid or uuid (depending on the value of "bag_name")
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_SERIALIZE "zip" Whether or not to zip up the Bag. One of 'false', 'zip', or 'tgz'
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_CONTACT_NAME "Contact" Bag-info: contact name
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_CONTACT_EMAIL "Contact email" Bag-info: contact email
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_SOURCE_ORGANIZATION "Source organization" Bag-info: source organization
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_HTTP_TIMEOUT 120 Timeout (sec) when downloading the components that comprise a Bag
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_DELETE_SETTINGS_FILE "false" Per Bag settings file: delete after use
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_LOG_BAG_CREATION "true" Log the serialized Bag's creation
BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_LOG_BAG_LOCATION "false" Log the serialized Bag's location to allow retrieval of the Bag's download URL (if applicable)


This container makes several opinionated assumptions about how one installs and interacts with the wide range of options available with Islandora Bagger. Some of the opinionated options are mentioned in this section, see Dockerfile, conf.d templates,

  • During container startup, a default per bag config (var/sample_per_bag_config.yaml) is created to work with the generated config/services.yaml for use with testing the command-line create_bag.
  • An application config, config/service.yml is generated during startup to reduce the need for a per-bag config
    • Set the bag location (temp_dir, output_dir) and queue location (not bagger/var) to a persistent volume
    • Add Drupal username/password to service file (see readme option) so don't have to add to the per-bag configuration and store on Drupal site as per Bagger integration readme
  • Logging configuration templates to output to stdout/stderr: one for prod and dev conf.d (having the log in the root of packages directory does not work)
  • Optional queue processing via cron (via environment variables: BAGGER_CROND_*)
  • Doesn't enable the "REST API to get a serialized Bag's location for download"
  • Defaults to add media to the Bags, see the addMedia fix (mjordan/islandora_bagger#89)
  • Turn on the ability to register preservation bag creation with Drupal/Islandora (mjordan/islandora_bagger_integration#31) via BAGGER_DEFAULT_PER_BAG_REGISTER_BAGS_WITH_ISLANDORA
  • Make no assumptions about setup infrastructure: assume a proxy or edge router (see warnings about setup in Islandora Bagger)

Setup Drupal

See Islandora Bagger for the Drupal setup requirements. getjwtonlogin and islandora_bagger_integration are required. A quick way to add:

Add to composer.json "repositories" key in your Drupal project

      "type": "git",
      "url": "",
      "no-api": true
composer require -d /var/www/drupal 'drupal/getjwtonlogin:^2.0' 'mjordan/islandora_bagger_integration'
drush en -y getjwtonlogin
drush en -y islandora_bagger_integration
composer install
drush cache-rebuild

See the following README files for additional setup within Drupal, especially if the register bag option is enabled

run a local instance via Docker Compose

  • Create a local config for Docker Compose: .env.sample to .env
  • Update the .env with the Drupal/Islandora site domain and Drupal user
  • Add secret: Drupal account password (see docker-compose.yml) for location
  • Add other environment variables described in the docker-compose.yml to the .env file
  • docker compose build - build
  • docker compose up -d - assumes a proxy or edge router (see warnings about setup in Islandora Bagger)

Setup Bagger Container (temp)

This step may be automated but in case you want a custom config:

docker compose cp custom/secrets/sample.config.yaml bagger:/var/www/sample.config.yaml`

Test setup of Drupal (login):

# Execute locally to a remote site
curl  -H "Accept: application/json" ''
# Execute locally to a local/dev site with mkcert SSL
curl --cacert build/certs/rootCA.pem  -Headers "Accept: application/json"
# or add build/certs/rootCA.pem to the containers /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
# then
curl  -H "Accept: application/json" ''

Create Bag:

cd ${BAGGER_APP_DIR} && ./bin/console app:islandora_bagger:create_bag -vvv --settings=var/sample_per_bag_config.yaml --node=47

Queue item:

# Within isle-bagger container
curl -v -X POST -H "Islandora-Node-ID: 48" --data-binary "@${BAGGER_APP_DIR}/var/sample_per_bag_config.yaml"

cd ${BAGGER_APP_DIR} && ./bin/console app:islandora_bagger:process_queue --queue=${BAGGER_QUEUE_PATH}

Recipe to include the Isle-Bagger container with an existing Isle site

The following is a recipe to include the isle-bagger with an existing Isle site of the form:

The Steps:

  • Update Drupal composer.json / composer.lock
    • See Islandora Bagger for the Drupal setup requirements
      • The Drupal modules getjwtonlogin and islandora_bagger_integration are required.
  • Copy the sample docker-compose.bagger.yml into the Isle site directory
  • Include the COMPOSE_FILE property in the .env file
    • to chain multiple docker-compose.yml files together (i.e., reduce the need to change the default docker-compose.yml)
# Chain docker-compose.yml files

# Environment for the Islandora Bagger container
  • if using a local install with a self-signed certificate (e.g., via mkcert and

    • add build/certs/rootCA.pem to the containers /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt file otherwise an SSL exception will occur
      • note: this is not automatic at the moment
  • Add additional Bagger properties to the .env, as needed.

Test and future work

ToDo: revise

  • permissions wrong (if APP_ENV is set to prod)
  • automate the build of a list of resources to preserve and pass to islandora_bagger (rough idea: gather Drupal resources by their modified date and compare against the modified dates (or hash?) in the islandora_bagger_integration bag log and if differ then add to a list to preserve )
  • post-bag plugin to upload archival packages to OLRC
  • automate OCI image generation and upload to an image repository

ToDo: Test further

  • Test: Drupal Context that sends requests to the Bagger REST API to queue a preservation request
  • test if per bag config can override location in the per config/services.yml. Also set in the crontab to override any overrides in the per bag
  • convert yaml_path to an env (where the per bag configuration is stored on web requests for preservation -
  • delete_settings_file: problems arise if the resource is added to the queue multiple times before being preserved. The resource is added to the preservation queue multiple times but the settings file is only stored on the filesystem once thus the first preservation will delete the settings file and subsequent queued items may cause a missing settings file error.
