Conglomerate aims to be the go-to template for starting a new watch project for the Pebble smartwatch.
It will consist of a repository of GPL/BSD/CC utilities, libraries, and resources which can be forked and modified to accelerate the creation of a stable and optimal Pebble project, where all you need to code are the unique pieces you need.
The primary goals of the project:
- free/open source licensing/permissions for all included functionality
- core is MIT, libraries are separated by license type
- Optimized libraries to implement the common features desired in a Pebble watch app, targeting but not limited to:
- Connection state ( & optional tracking via AM )
- Battery state ( & optional tracking via AM )
- [?] AppMessage (w/ retry queues on watch and phone side) - (BAM ?)
- Configuration page generation
- Settings saving/loading/transferring between watch, phone, and settings page
- Timezone
- Vibration & custom vibration patterns
- Weather
- multiple weather sources
- phone GPS and manual location entry
- Magnetometer state
- Accelerometer data tracking
- Minimal generated code footprint for each platform functionality
- Compatibility with Overlay technique (specific implementation deferring until ready for 3.0)