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Templating in actions

Rico edited this page Feb 2, 2020 · 4 revisions

Using Template strings

You can use a template string into which the paste variables will then be inserted. Simply provide a template string to the actions which support templating. The following variables will be substituted with the corresponding value of the paste.

Variable Description Example Value
${title} Title of a paste Once we all know when we goto function
${body} Content of a paste This is the content
${key} Unique identifier of a paste 0CeaNm8Y
${size} Size of a paste in bytes 890
${user} Uploader of a paste admin
${date} Date of uploading as unix timestamp 1442911802
${expire} Expiration date of a paste 1442998159
${syntax} Syntax of a paste java
${scrape_url} Scraping URL provided by pastebin
${full_url} Normal (public) URL of the paste
${analyzer_name} Name of the analyzer, which matched a paste WordAnalyzer (Spotify)

Note: You can utilize **kwargs and pass any variable/content to the templating engine. For example: TemplatingEngine.fill_template(paste, analyzer_name, template_string, any_var="Custom content") - with this call you can replace all occurrences of ${any_var} in the template string with Custom content.

Example template: A new paste uploaded by ${user} has been matched by ${analyzer_name}

Example output: A new paste uploaded by admin has been matched by WordAnalyzer (Spotify)