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A complete tools to develop a web based application. Support Symfony 4 Framework by default, and all other PHP project. Mirror from:


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Dockerized Symfony 4 and PHP Development Stack

This stack is a complete tools to develop a web based application. It support Symfony Framework by default. And you can use it for other PHP Projects too.

This stack contains

  • Nginx | A powerful web server, latest nginx will be installed by default
  • MariaDB | One of the most popular database engine, by default it will deploy MariaDB 11
  • PostgreSQL | Powerfull database engine (version 11.2)
  • PHP-FPM | Complete PHP7.2 stack (include xdebug, apc, memcached, redis)
  • Memcached | Memory based cache (latest)
  • Redis | Powerful backend cache (latest)
  • Elasticsearch | Search engine library
  • Logstash | Data collection engine
  • Kibana | Data visualization (used for log data with elasticsearch and logstash)
  • RabbitMQ | Message broker software
  • Adminer | Simply yet powerful database administration tool (latest)



Fresh Install Symfony

First, clone this repository:

$ git clone [email protected]:dadangnh/docker-symfony.git

Then, you must put your symfony project to apps/symfony directory. Or you can create new project by running:

$ composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton apps/symfony

And create your docker environment by editing .env.dist and save as .env

Then, run:

$ docker-compose up

Your current project (not fresh install)

Copy or pull your project to apps/symfony directory:

$ git clone git@yourgit:youruser:yourproject.git apps/symfony


$ cp -Rf /path/to/yourproject apps/symfony

Then, run:

$ docker-compose up

Note if you install symfony by pulling from git or copy the script to apps directory manually, sometimes you need to install the composer dependency and cache warmup:

$ docker exec -it docker-symfony_php_1 composer install
$ docker exec -it docker-symfony_php_1 php bin/console cache:warmup

Configure the database and environment:

  • DB Backend: use mariadb or postgres as the hostname
  • Cache Backend: use memcached or redis as the hostname You need to specify the environmenr variable at .env

and create migrations:

$ docker exec -it docker-symfony_php_1 php bin/console make:migrations
$ docker exec -it docker-symfony_php_1 php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
$ docker exec -it docker-symfony_php_1 php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

And finally, edit your hosts file to match the docker:

$ sudo echo " project.ddg" > /etc/hosts

You are done, Open your browser and here is the default link:

  • Your Symfony Application http://project.ddg
  • Kibana http://project.ddg:81
  • Adminer http://project.ddg:8080
  • RabbitMQ http://project.ddg:15672

Note : you can rebuild all Docker images by running:

$ docker-compose build

If you got error permissions denied on log directory (Unable to write in the logs directory (/var/www/symfony/var/log)), you can fix by run this:

$ docker exec -it docker-symfony_php_1 chmod 777 /var/www/symfony/var/log

you need to change the docker-symfony_php_1 to be your php docker name, run this to check:

$ docker ps

normally it will look like this:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                        NAMES
ea9814d825a6        docker-symfony_nginx   "nginx"                  6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>80/tcp, 443/tcp                                                                  docker-symfony_nginx_1
70ce4891c24a        docker-symfony_php     "php-fpm7 -F"            7 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        9002/tcp,>9001/tcp                                                             docker-symfony_php_1
816613d78598        postgres                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes>5432/tcp                                                                       docker-symfony_postgres_1
e72b8b12e508        willdurand/elk          "/usr/bin/supervisor…"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes>80/tcp                                                                           docker-symfony_elk_1
316bb78d286b        redis                   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes>6379/tcp                                                                       docker-symfony_redis_1
949a8679d730        memcached               "memcached '-m 64'"      7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes        11211/tcp                                                                                    docker-symfony_memcached_1
2a1a50381e15        mariadb                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes>3306/tcp                                                                       docker-symfony_db_1
092590c64b52        adminer                 " docke…"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes>8080/tcp                                                                       docker-symfony_adminer_1
d2ab4969549b        rabbitmq:management     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes        4369/tcp, 5671/tcp,>5672/tcp, 15671/tcp, 25672/tcp,>15672/tcp   docker-symfony_rabbitmq_1

Read logs

You can access Nginx and Symfony application logs in the following directories on your host machine:

  • logs/nginx
  • logs/symfony

or by using Kibana at http://project.ddg:81

Xdebug for development

To use xdebug change the line "docker-host.localhost:" in docker-compose.yml and replace with your machine ip addres. If your IDE default port is not set to 5902 you should do that, too.


This code is published under MIT License.


A complete tools to develop a web based application. Support Symfony 4 Framework by default, and all other PHP project. Mirror from:







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