This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Dev instructions:
- Setup nodenv and node-build (google it)
- cd into this folder and run
nodenv install
npm install -g yarn && nodenv rehash
yarn install
yarn web
Firebase: I haven't really worked out test and prod accounts yet.
cd into the firebase folder and then you can run all the firebase commands from this page:
This project mashes together the create-react-app-ts project and the create-react-native-app project. The two aren't designed to play nicely together so here's what I did to make it basically work:
Steps to recreate this base project from scratch: 0. npm install -g create-react-native-app create-react-app
- create-react-native-app --scripts-version=react-native-scripts-ts
- create-react-app my-app --scripts-version=react-scripts-ts
- copy all the dependencies and devDependencies from web-temp package.json into the new native project package.json, but keep react and react-dom at the versions that are currently there
- copy src, public, tslint.json across to the new native project.
- move tsconfig.json to tsconfig.native.json
- copy tsconfig.json from web-temp to tsconfig.web.json in native project folder
- add skipLibCheck: true to the compilerOptions in both tsconfig.web.json and tsconfig.native.json files
- add an exclude block to the tsconfig.web.json that excludes App.tsx and App.test.tsx
- add the package.json scripts block from this project
- run yarn and cross your fingers
- run yarn web or yarn ios or yarn android.