Some useful terraform modules to provision services on multiple cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.). I started with AWS cloud first and will add support for other cloud platforms later.
- DynamoDB
- Kong
- Prepare an AWS IAM account that has permission to create/update the resource you want to deploy
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="anaccesskey"
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="asecretkey"
$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1"
- Install Terraform
- Create a S3 bucket to store Terraform's states.
The dynamodb module will help you to provision new DynamoDB tables in the AWS infrastructure.
- Update your DynamoDB table schema at modules/dynamodb/myservice/
- Provision the table
$ cd modules/dynamodb/myservice
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -var="myservice_table_name=<your table name>"
$ terraform apply -var="myservice_table_name=<your table name>"
You can use the mysql module to deploy a new MySQL cluster, then create a new database in that cluster.
- Update your MySQL cluster information (e.g., version, instance class, etc.), the default_character_set, and the default_collation of your database at modules/dynamodb/myservice/
- Provision your cluster and database
$ cd modules/mysql/myservice
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -var="mysql_cluster_name=<the mysql cluster name you want>" \
-var="mysql_cluster_username=<the root username you want>" \
-var="mysql_cluster_passwd=<the root passwd you want>" \
-var="myservice_db_name=<the db name you want>" \
-var="myservice_db_username=<the db username you want>" \
-var="myservice_db_passwd=<the db passwd you want>"
$ terraform apply -var="mysql_cluster_name=<the mysql cluster name you want>" \
-var="mysql_cluster_username=<the root username you want>" \
-var="mysql_cluster_passwd=<the root passwd you want>" \
-var="myservice_db_name=<the db name you want>" \
-var="myservice_db_username=<the db username you want>" \
-var="myservice_db_passwd=<the db passwd you want>"
This module will provision these resources:
- An AWS ECS cluster
- AWS ECS tasks for Kong
- AWs autoscaling groups for Kong ECS tasks
- AWS service discovery for Kong
- AWS security groups for accessing Kong
- An AWS network load balancer for Kong
- An AWS application load balancer for Kong
- Prepare these resources
- app_image: Kong's docker image URL.
- public_subnet_ids: Public subnet IDs
- private_subnet_ids: Private subnet IDS
- vpc_id: the VPC's ID in which you will provision Kong
- cidr_block: VPC's CIDR
- task_role_arn: The IAM role that tasks can use to make API requests to authorized AWS services
- execution_role_arn: This IAM role is required by Fargate tasks to pull container images and publish container logs to Amazon CloudWatch on your behalf
- aws_certificate_arn: AWS certificate's ARN
- aws_acc_id: your AWS account's ID (e.g., 12345678)
- a sub domain for Kong
Note: in this sample module, I assume that you host your domain name on the AWS route53 service.
- Provision Kong
$ cd modules/kong
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -var="public_subnet_ids=<your public subnet ids>" \
-var="private_subnet_ids=<your private subnet ids>" \
-var="vpc_id=<your vpc id>" \
-var="cidr_block=<your vpc cidr>" \
-var="app_image=<your kong image url>" \
-var="task_role_arn=<the task role arn>" \
-var="execution_role_arn=<the execution role arn>" \
-var="aws_certificate_arn=<your aws ssl cert arn>" \
-var="aws_acc_id=<your aws acc id>" \
-var="domain_name=<your aws hosted domain>"
$ terraform apply -var="public_subnet_ids=<your public subnet ids>" \
-var="private_subnet_ids=<your private subnet ids>" \
-var="vpc_id=<your vpc id>" \
-var="cidr_block=<your vpc cidr>" \
-var="app_image=<your kong image url>" \
-var="task_role_arn=<the task role arn>" \
-var="execution_role_arn=<the execution role arn>" \
-var="aws_certificate_arn=<your aws ssl cert arn>" \
-var="aws_acc_id=<your aws acc id>" \
-var="domain_name=<your aws hosted domain>"
- Trinh Nguyen - dangtrinhnt
You're all welcomed to make PRs.