FWPM Applied Data Science with Python Project at OTH Regensburg. This project let the user fetch tweets, users, followers of a user and tweets of a follower for an entered topic through which he/she can browse. Moreover, he can analyse the polarity of each tweet.
For more have a look at the Documenation at docs/Documentation.pdf
Table of Contents
- For executing the project any python version higher than python3.8 is required.
- This project only works on Linux Systems due the use of the simple-term-menu library! Please use either a Linux VM (of any distribution) or setup the Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL) on Windows.
- Create a twitter developer account and app. Save your generated bearer token, which you will have to set (see Usage).
- (optional) To keep your system clean the recommendation is to create a venv with 'python3 -m venv'.
Clone the GitHub repository or download the source code and de-zip it.
Install all needed modules listed in requirements.txt or run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the program, ensure you are on the toplevel of this project.
To enable the Twitterclient set your bearer token as environment variable:
export TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN=<your bearer token>
Then run:
python3 main.py
Actually this program is even usable without setting the bearer token for the Twitterclient. Obviously it's not possible to fetch data from twitter then but besides that the program is fully usable for prefetched dataset. Only run following command to start the program:
python3 main.py