This is a demo project aiming to provide a simple booking system managed in a global app store.
- React with TypeScript
- Fast development server with Vite
- Efficient production build
- ESLint for code linting
First, clone this repository, then navigate into the project directory
Install dependencies using npm:
npm install
To start the development server, run:
npm run dev
To lint your code using ESLint, run:
npm run lint
This will check your TypeScript and JavaScript files for linting errors and warnings and will attempt to fix linting errors where possible.
Add or Edit tests in cypress/e2e/
To run test in interactive mode, run:
npm run test:open
To run tests in headless mode, run:
npm run test:ci
To build the application for production, run:
npm run build
This will generate an optimized production build of your application in the dist
Architecture documentation can be found here