v1.7.0 release
New stable components
The following components with stable release candidates in the previous Dapr release have graduated to stable designation:
- MQTT pub/sub
- RabbitMQ pub/sub
- Azure Blob Storage binding
- Azure CosmosDB binding
- Azure Service Bus Queues binding
New state store components
There are now a total of 22 state stores with three new ones added in this release.
- CockroachDB state store component see 1556
- NATS JetStream state store component see 1422
- Oracle Database state store component see 1444
In addition, the preview Query API support has been added to the PostgresSQL, CockroachDB and Redis state stores in addition to the existing ones.
Updates to existing components
See the components section below for the list of numerous other fixes to components in this release.
[Note: With this release, there are now a total of 97 components including 41 bindings, 1 configuration, 8 HTTP middleware, 3 name resolution, 13 pub/sub, 8 secret stores, 23 state stores]
- ADDED FOSSA workflow for identifying dependencies with non-OSS-compliant licenses 1568
support for pub/sub, binding and state store components 1299 - ADDED configuration unsubscribe API 1440
- ADDED new CockroachDB state store component 1556
- ADDED new NATS JetStream state store component 1422
- ADDED new Oracle Database state store component 1444
- ADDED Apache pulsar pub/sub: upgrade client to 0.8.0 1514
- ADDED AWS DynamoDB state store: support for time to live 1489
- ADDED AWS S3 binding: Add option to disable SSL for S3 1554
- ADDED Azure CosmosDB state store & binding: now retries throttled requests from database 1611
- ADDED Azure EventHubs binding: Adds Azure Active Directory support 1572
- ADDED Azure ServiceBus pub/sub: Retry attempts for various possible causes of 'Connection reset by peer' 1495
- ADDED Consul name resolution: Updates Consul API to v1.11.0 (necessary for Zeebe upgrade) 1575
- ADDED GCP pub/sub: Add reconnect loop for subscriptions 1293
- ADDED Hashicorp Vault secret store: Support version and engine path. Add parseAsMap option. 841
- ADDED influxdb binding: Add support for query 1452
- ADDED Kafka binding: Version configuration 1277
- ADDED NATS JetStream pub/sub: Adds support for wildcard subscriptions 1464
- ADDED NATS Jetstream pub/sub: NKey based authentication 1437
- ADDED OCI ObjectStorage state store: Support configuration through OCI configuration and PEM key file 1428
- ADDED PostgreSQL state store: Add Query state store API implementation 1456
- ADDED Pulsar pub/sub: add producer option
1419 - ADDED Pulsar pub/sub: Token authentication & support for hosts over http 1427
- ADDED rabbitmq pub/sub: Support for setting exchangekind 1502
- ADDED Redis state store: Add Query state store API implementation 1211
- ADDED zeebe binding: upgrades zeebe library to 1.3.4 1519
- FIXED Addresses macOS security warnings due to deprecated system headers by upgrading 99design/keyring library 1535
- FIXED Fixes a pub/sub cloudevent serialization issue with 64 bit data type 1597
- FIXED Fixes an issue with unsubscribing from configurations by id 1483
- FIXED statestore query API preview: Removes redundant
prefix from the key names in JSON query syntax 1490 - FIXED AWS S3 binding: allow disabling SSL cert validation (to accept self-signed certs) 1592
- FIXED AWS SNS/SQS pub/sub: bugfixes - visibility timeout reset; honors disable entity management setting in DLQ 1445
- FIXED Azure CosmosDB state store: Fixes an issue with stored procedure creation when Azure AD credentials are used 1603
- FIXED Azure CosmosDB state store: transaction API to respect order of operations 1209
- FIXED Azure EventHubs pub/sub: Support Azure AD credentials for checkpointing storage 1566
- FIXED Google Cloud pub/sub: Returns No Ack (nack) when there is an error 1561
- FIXED mDNS name resolution: sync first browse 1591
- FIXED MongoDB state store: Actor reminders broken since 1.5.0 due to data serialization problem (see also hotfix release 1.5.2 and 1.6.1) 1355
- FIXED MongoDB state store: Fixes an issue preventing MongoDB from querying non-string values 1583
- FIXED MongoDB state store: Removes MongoDB bson artifacts from JSON value output 1582
- FIXED MySQL binding: add
column type special case handling 1466 - FIXED MySQL binding: adds special handling for
column types 1486 - FIXED MySQL state store: transaction API to respect order of operations. 1521
- FIXED PostgreSQL state store: transaction API to respect order of operations. 1522
- FIXED rabbitmq pub/sub: Fixes a reconnect issue 1471
- FIXED Redis state store: Fixes an issue preventing querying of numeric values 1594
- FIXED Setting a value using ETag for the Postgres state store 1497
- FIXED SQL Server state store: Ensures transaction API executes all transactions sequentially. 1537
- FIXED SQL Server state store: transaction API to respect order of operations. 1505