ParametricDAQP.jl solves multi-parametric quadratic programs of the form
The solution
The following code solves the mpQP in Section 7.1 in Bemporad et al. 2002
using ParametricDAQP
H = [1.5064 0.4838; 0.4838 1.5258];
f = zeros(2,1);
F = [9.6652 5.2115; 7.0732 -7.0879];
A = [1.0 0; -1 0; 0 1; 0 -1];
b = 2*ones(4);
B = zeros(4,2);
mpQP = (H=H,f=f,F=F,A=A,b=b,B=B);
# Setup parameter region of interest
ub,lb = 1.5*ones(2), -1.5*ones(2);
Θ = (ub=ub,lb=lb);
# Solve mpQP over desired region
sol,info = ParametricDAQP.mpsolve(mpQP,Θ);