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Methods for evaluating unsupervised vector representations of genomic regions

This repository contains code and instructions to reproduce the results presented in the paper. The proposed evaluation metrics are implemented in geniml.eval.


git clone [email protected]:databio/geniml.git
cd geniml
pip install -e .

After installing geniml, add bedtools binary to the environment variable PATH.


Customize the configurations

Change the constants defined in Below are the descriptions for the constants.

DATA_URL: link to the dataset
DATA_FOLDER: folder that stores the downloaded the dataset
TRAIN_SCRIPTS_FOLDER: folder that stores all the generated training scripts
MODELS_FOLDER: folder that stores all the trained models
UNIVERSES_FOLDER: folder that stores all the universes
EVAL_RESULTS_FOLDER: folder that stores all the evaluation results

Download the dataset

Run the following command:

python -m src.download_dataset

Or download all the content to DATA_FOLDER.

Prepare universes

We provided all the seven universes used in the paper at hg19 universes. Download the universes to UNIVERSES_FOLDER specified in

We used the following code to generate the universes except the DHS universe, which is an external universe. You can use the same code to generate the universes based on your data, only to change DATA_FOLDER in and the total number of files passed to -n.

# The Merge (100) universe
python -m src.gen_universe -m merge -n 690 -d 100
# The Merge (1k) universe
python -m src.gen_universe -m merge -n 690 -d 1000
# The Merge (10k) universe
python -m src.gen_universe -m merge -n 690 -d 10000
# The Tiling (1k) universe
python -m src.gen_universe -m tile -v hg19 -n 690 -t 1000
# The Tiling (5k) universe
python -m src.gen_universe -m tile -v hg19 -n 690 -t 5000
# The Tiling (25k) universe
python -m src.gen_universe -m tile -v hg19 -n 690 -t 25000

Train embedding models

You can download all the trained models to MODELS_FOLDER (in at models. Note that Large, Medium and Small correspond to Merge (100), Merge (1k) and Merge (10k), respectively, in the paper.

We used the following steps to get all the models.

  1. Generate training scripts via

    python -m src.gen_train_scripts
  2. Then, go to the TRAIN_SCRIPTS_FOLDER (specified in folder, and run all the scripts there to get trained models.

    Note that in, we include seven universes, three initial learning rates, two embedding dimensions, and two context window sizes. Therefore, for each universe, we will train 12 Region2Vec models, and in total, we will have 84 Region2Vec models.

  3. After training Region2Vec models, run the following code to generate base embeddings, namely Binary, PCA-10D, and PCA-100D, for each of the seven universes.

    python -m src.get_base_embeddings

To obtain the results in Table S2, run the following code

python -m src.assess_universe

Note that we do not assess the original universes. Since Region2Vec will filter out some low-frequency regions in a universe based on the training data, we focused on the acutal universes with regions that have embeddings.

Evaluate region embeddings

Run the following scripts to obtain the evaluation results.

python -m src.eval_script --type GDSS
python -m src.eval_script --type NPS
python -m src.eval_script --type CTS
python -m src.eval_script --type RCS

To speed up the process, you can split the universes into batches (Line 209,

batches = [
        ("tile1k", "tile25k"),
        ("tile5k", "Small"),
        ("Large", "Medium","dhs"),

Then, run the evaluation on each batch in parallel. For example,

python -m src.eval_script --type GDSS --batch 0

will evaluate models for the Tiling (1k) and Tiling (25k) universes.

Downstream tasks

We designed cell type and antibody type classification tasks for the trained region embeddings. We randomly selected 60% of all the BED files as the training files and the remaining as test files. We divided the BED files five times with different random seeds. The file splits are stored in classification_data. The code that generates the splits can be found in classification.ipynb.

Run the classification using the following script:

python -m src.classification

Analyze results

We used the Jupyter notebook result_analysis.ipynb to generate all the figures and calculate the results.

Generate embedding visualizations

The visualizations of different sets of region embeddings can be found at embed_visualization.

We used the following command to generate UMAP visualizations of all sets of region embeddings.

python -m src.visualization