dstemplate provides a custom pkgdown
template for DataSHIELD community packages. This template is based on
the tidytemplate
created by
package: dstemplate
bootstrap: 5
If you want an author of your package to recieve a custom link on your
site there are two options:
Add to your YAML file the author fields
Escribà-Montagut Xavier:
href: https://github.com/ESCRI11
Please note that this information has to be consistent with the
file of your package
Authors@R: c(
person("Escribà-Montagut", "Xavier", , "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre"))
2) Create a PR to datashield/dstemplate
Update the template
with your information on the authors
If you’re building your site using GitHub actions or other similar tool
(or in local), you’ll need to have installed datashield/dstemplate
Please do so using remotes::install_github('datashield/dstemplate')
To link the GitHub repository and the pkgdown
site, make sure to
include the URL on the
url: https://github.com/datashield/dstemplate
And on the DESCRIPTION file
URL: https://github.com/datashield/dstemplate
: Make
sure to include an empty .nojekyll
file at the root of the site.
(e.g. https://github.com/datashield/dstemplate/blob/main/docs/.nojekyll)