This add-on brings picocad export to Blender.
- Mesh export.
- Multiple meshes.
- Mesh position, rotation, and scale.
- UV coordinates.
- Texture export.
- Mesh color export.
- Background color export.
The picocad axes are not the same as Blender's so you will need to rotate your mesh in picocad to make it look the same.
from the releases page.
In Blender go to Edit > Preferences, select Add Ons and click Install.
Find the
Make sure you check the box to enable the add-on.
You can find the exporter under File > Export > Picocad.
- Create meshes, model, export to picocad.
- If you have a material assigned to a mesh with a Principled BSDF node, the base color will be used for the mesh in picocad. The exporter will map the color to the closest available in picocad.
- If you have a texture node used in a material, the texture will be exported along with your meshes. Note that the texture must be of size 128x128 or smaller.
- UV coordinates will be adjusted to work with picocad and exported along with your meshes.
- If backface culling is enabled in your material, faces will not be double sided in picocad.
- If you set a world color in the scene tab, the color will be saved to the picocad file.
- The filename of your Blender project is used to name the picocad project.
Note: picocad is extremely resource limited, attempting to export meshes with many faces, >100, will likely slow down or crash the program.
The code in this repo is CC0, public domain.