What's included:
- jade as templating language (or use html, if don't care)
- sass for style management (with ready-to-go Ionic styles override)
- js-data for data management (let's give it a try instead of Restangular, which is great too)
- imgcache.js and wrapper service to cache loaded images (Google Chrome or Cordova only)
- environment management (check env app/env dir)
- font preloading
Plugins you will need to run app on device:
- com.ionic.keyboard
- org.apache.cordova.console
- org.apache.cordova.device
- org.apache.cordova.file
- org.apache.cordova.file-transfer
- org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser
To get started run
$ npm install
$ ./dev-server
Will start development server with live reload on localhost:5000
To build app run
gulp webpack:build
App will be built into www folder, then you can package ionic app.
You can choose environment to build using --env key
gulp webpack:build --env=production
Environment other than development will build minified project using ngAnnotate.
Fonts preloading also enables in non-development environments.