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Angular v19 fresh app to use to improve Knip defaults for Angular

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This project was generated using Angular CLI version 19.0.2.

Purpose of is to improve knip defaults for Angular projects. So that it works nicely out-of-the-box for Angular projects created with default options and server side rendering (SSR) enabled. Plus then support common use cases like environment files, scripts and polyfills, ...



knip was added following the getting started guide.

pnpm create @knip/config

@knip/create-config version 1.0.3

knip version 5.38.3

Initial results

After setup, installing and running knip, following output was given

Regular mode

Unused files (4)
Unused dependencies (3)
Name Location Severity
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic package.json error
@angular/compiler Unsure why but solved in 5.42.0 package.json error
@angular/forms package.json error
Unused devDependencies (5)
Name Location Severity
karma-jasmine-html-reporter Solved in 5.42.0 package.json error
karma-chrome-launcher Solved in 5.42.0 package.json error
karma-coverage Solved in 5.42.0 package.json error
karma-jasmine Solved in 5.42.0 package.json error
jasmine-core Solved in 5.42.0 package.json error

Production mode

Unused files (4)
Unused dependencies (3)
Name Location Severity
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic package.json error
@angular/compiler Unsure why, but solved in 5.42.0 package.json error
@angular/forms package.json error
Unlisted binaries (1)
Name Location Severity
ng package.json error


There are several improvements that can be grouped by category:

Server Side Rendering (SSR)

Include src/main.server.ts

UPDATE: Done. Released as part of v5.38.4

As production entry file (comes from angular.json projects.* when using the new ESBuild-based application builder).

This will then use src/app/app.config.server.ts. Which will then use the serverRoutes from src/app/app.routes.server.ts. So those unused reported files will be gone too.

Testing with Karma & Jasmine

UPDATE: Done. Released as part of v5.42.0

By default, Angular CLI initializes a workspace with an application with unit testing provided by Karma & Jasmine. This is specified in the Angular workspace configuration file angular.json, under the test target for a project: projects.*.architect.test. The builder is @angular-devkit/build-angular:karma.

This is a bit more difficult to solve. As there is no Karma plugin yet for Knip. So maybe a Karma plugin would first be needed to pass the configuration to it.

Then, the test running is configured by a mix of the builder options and Karma configuration.

Builder options configure many things as can be seen in the options schema. Some of those are specified by default when creating the app in angular.json. Checkout the angular.json file to see which ones. Other have some defaults as can be seen in the options schema. So to be correct, builder options in angular.json should be merged with defaults.

Options in there can be grouped in these main categories:

App build options

How the app should be built for testing purposes. So it includes many options available in build targets. Up until v19 app was built using the traditional, Webpack-based browser builder. However, in v19 there is developer preview support for building with the newer ESBuild-based application / browser-esbuild builder. Via builderMode option

Specifically here are those options and how they could be used for Knip:

  • main: to add as non-production entry point (as it's a testing entry point)
  • tsConfig: is set to tsconfig.spec.json by default as you can see in angular.json. To add to Typescript plugin config.
  • polyfills: to add as non-production entry if points to a local file, or as used dependency.
  • assets
  • scripts: same as polyfills.
  • styles: N/A
  • inlineStyleLanguage: N/A
  • stylePreprocessorOptions: N/A
  • sourceMap: N/A
  • progress: N/A
  • watch: N/A
  • poll: N/A
  • preserveSymlinks: N/A
  • browsers: N/A
  • fileReplacements: to add as non-production entry points
  • builderMode: N/A
  • webWorkerTsConfig

Taking into account that entry points that are considered production ones, if added because found here, they should not change to be considered non-production ones.

Test files to include exclude

Two options for that:

  • include: defines the test files to run. Defaults to **/*.spec.ts as can be seen in options schema. They should be added as non-production entry files. Some quirks:
    • If a directory is specified, it means all .spec.@(ts|tsx) inside it will be included. More details in findTests and in findMatchingTests functions of the builder's implementation.
  • exclude: files to exclude for test running. For more details, check out the functions mentioned above. They should be taken into account alongst with include to not add those as entry files.

With that, we'd remove the app.component.spec.ts unused file. In a bigger app, there will be lots of them.

Coverage options


  • codeCoverage: whether to generate a code coverage report or not. N/A to knip.
  • codeCoverageExclude: files to exclude from coverage measure. N/A to knip AFAIK.

Those options may be overridden if specified in Karma configuration. However, given they're not interesting for Knip, nothing to take into account.

Karma configuration

Finally, there's the karmaConfig option that allows to specify the Karma configuration to use. By default, it's unspecified and the default Karma configuration hardcoded in the builder will be used. However, one can be specified. Which may have been generated with ng g config command1

With that, we could get rid of:

  • Unused dependencies: default Karma's builder options includes many devDependencies listed as unused in regular mode. Specifically karma-jasmine, karma-chrome-launcher, karma-jasmine-html-reporter and karma-coverage. So the only unused dependency not tracked would be jasmine-core. But that one could be hardcoded.

Finally, as side note, a Jest builder is available too. But it's still experimental. So it's not the default yet.


So with all this information, the way to go with this could be:

  • Karma plugin for Knip UPDATE: ✅ Done. Released in 5.40.0
    • Enable if karma listed as development dependency.
    • Parse Karma config file if exists.
    • Test files: add them as non-production entry points. No defaults for that, it's a mandatory option.
    • Plugins: add dependencies listed in plugins configuration as used, non-production dependencies. Default is all karma-* dependencies.
  • Angular's Karma builder UPDATE: ✅ Done. Released as part of v5.42.0
    • Files: from builders options and their defaults.
    • If configuration file not specified:
    • If configuration file specified and not one of Karma default config files:
  • Add files used Angular build options in test builder. Seen in the app build options above. It's already done, given the plugin grabs the configuration options disregarding of the test target.

Plugin will be needed first before then passing configurations to it. However, using the files in Angular build options for the test target is something that could be done already. However, that could come later as it's not something required hence many users may not use those.


To end up with a freshly generated app having nothing unused would require also fixing:

Unused dependencies

TL;DR: they're properly being reported as unused by default. As they're actually unused.

  • @angular/platform-browser-dynamic: makes sense to report as unused, as it's not used by default when creating standalone apps (default since v17). It is used for module-based apps. Though it's added there in case you need to. Seems it allows to run apps that require the JIT compiler on the client. Can't say more as haven't dealt with it much.
    • After trying to uninstall it from a project given it was apparently unneeded, Karma tests failed because couldn't be compiled. Seems the testing entrypoint is needed: ng-virtual-main.js!=!data:text/javascript;base64,[...]:2:0-119 - Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing' in '[...]'. So seems if using Karma testing, this is needed.
  • @angular/compiler: same as above. Seems if not using JIT on the client, not needed, could be a development dependency. Can't say much, haven't dealt with it. UPDATE: no longer appearing after upgrading to 5.42.0
  • @angular/forms: if not using forms, it's correctly to appear as unused, as it's not used. But Angular CLI adds it there by default so you have it there when you want to use it. Users could choose to ignore that one or uninstall it if unused.
Unlisted binaries

ng appears as unlisted binary in production mode. This is because start run script uses ng serve. However, Angular CLI is not listed as a production dependency. Maybe that could be ignored by default for Angular projects?

Environment files

UPDATE: Done. Released as part of v5.39.0

As seen in app build options, when an app has environment files (see docs) they should be included too. They aren't included when specified as build options either.

Scripts and polyfills

⚙️ UPDATE: PARTIALLY Done. Scripts released as part of v5.42.0

As seen in app build options, scripts and polyfill files to use in the app can be specified in there. They should be taken into account. Both the ones in build and test target. Those in build as production entries. Those in test as non-production entries.


Sorted by high impact, low complexity first

Status PR Name Complexity Impact
🚀 🔗 SSR fixes 🟢
🚀 🔗 Environment files 🟡 ⬆️
🚀 🔗 Karma plugin 🔴
🚀 🔗 (Needs 👆) Angular options to Karma plugin 🟡
🚀 🔗 Scripts build option 🟢 ⬆️
[ ] Polyfills build option 🟢 ⬆️

Complexity means subjective implementation complexity / work / effort.


  • very high: affects freshly baked apps by default
  • ⬆️ high: affects apps using subjectively usual custom configurations
  • ⬇️ low: affects apps with subjectively unusual custom configurations


Command used to generate this project:

pnpm dlx @angular/[email protected] new a19-knip \
  --package-manager=pnpm \
  --style=css \
  --ssr --server-routing

Later, environment files were generated with ng generate environments. They are used as expected by logging contents of it.

Development server

To start a local development server, run:

ng serve

Once the server is running, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload whenever you modify any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Angular CLI includes powerful code scaffolding tools. To generate a new component, run:

ng generate component component-name

For a complete list of available schematics (such as components, directives, or pipes), run:

ng generate --help


To build the project run:

ng build

This will compile your project and store the build artifacts in the dist/ directory. By default, the production build optimizes your application for performance and speed.

Running unit tests

To execute unit tests with the Karma test runner, use the following command:

ng test

Running end-to-end tests

For end-to-end (e2e) testing, run:

ng e2e

Angular CLI does not come with an end-to-end testing framework by default. You can choose one that suits your needs.

Additional Resources

For more information on using the Angular CLI, including detailed command references, visit the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.


  1. karma.conf.js template


Angular v19 fresh app to use to improve Knip defaults for Angular




