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Some gRPC talk on youtube:

...gRPC is the Linux pipe for boring distributed components...

Workflow for creating gRPC services

  1. Define service contract using protocol buffers Interface Definition Language (IDL)
  2. Compile IDL (.protos) into service interfaces
  3. Implement service interfaces


Example .proto (IDL) client/server impl
Hello World with health check and graceful termination ./api/hello-world/ ./hello-world/
Stream events down to multiple clients.
Keeps an in-mem broker to subscribe clients and broadcast to all.
./api/server-streaming/ ./server-streaming/
TLS Server Auth ./api/tls-auth/ ./tls-auth/
Mutual TLS Auth. Uses in-mem copy of the host trustore to append self signed cert. ./api/tls-auth/ ./mtls-auth/
Tracing and metering client/server interceptors with OpenTelemetry. ./api/hello-world/ ./opentelemetry-interceptor/
Server streaming to web app with gRPC-Web and grpcwebproxy [Failing]. ./api/server-streaming/ ./server-streaming-grpc-web/
JWT (as JWE) Auth with square/go-jose ./api/tls-auth/ ./jwt-auth/
Paseto JSON token Auth with o1egl/paseto ./api/tls-auth/ ./paseto-auth/

Run example

go mod vendor

go install ./...

cd ./example

# compile protos if changed
make grpc

make run-server
make run-client