...gRPC is the Linux pipe for boring distributed components...
- Define service contract using protocol buffers Interface Definition Language (IDL)
- Compile IDL (.protos) into service interfaces
- Implement service interfaces
Example | .proto (IDL) | client/server impl |
Hello World with health check and graceful termination | ./api/hello-world/ |
./hello-world/ |
Stream events down to multiple clients. Keeps an in-mem broker to subscribe clients and broadcast to all. |
./api/server-streaming/ |
./server-streaming/ |
TLS Server Auth | ./api/tls-auth/ |
./tls-auth/ |
Mutual TLS Auth. Uses in-mem copy of the host trustore to append self signed cert. | ./api/tls-auth/ |
./mtls-auth/ |
Tracing and metering client/server interceptors with OpenTelemetry. | ./api/hello-world/ |
./opentelemetry-interceptor/ |
Server streaming to web app with gRPC-Web and grpcwebproxy [Failing]. | ./api/server-streaming/ |
./server-streaming-grpc-web/ |
JWT (as JWE) Auth with square/go-jose | ./api/tls-auth/ |
./jwt-auth/ |
Paseto JSON token Auth with o1egl/paseto | ./api/tls-auth/ |
./paseto-auth/ |
go mod vendor
go install ./...
cd ./example
# compile protos if changed
make grpc
make run-server
make run-client