Shocovox is a Sparse Voxel Octree implementation in WGPU shaders ( hence: shady ). The leaf nodes contain 8 Voxel bricks instead of a single Voxel. This makes it possible to have a unique compression system, where Voxels of different resolutions can be mixed together. An implementation for raytracing is available with GPU support! The library uses Left handed Y up coordinate system.
- Implementing Caching to request data on demand to handle large data:
- Displaying large data as a panorama:
- Finalising "Octree of Voxel Bricks" concept:
These are the issues I will work on until 2025 Q1. I am eliminating them in a sequential manner.
- #54 - Occupied bitmap structure update - Restructure of the per-node and per-brick occupied bitmaps to be more efficient(gotta go fast)
- #56 - Rework user data handling - Trimming the fat in Voxel storage, broadening the possibilities with user data
- #45 - GPU cache - To make it possible to display octrees of limitless size on the GPU by streaming only what one can see
- #3 - to make it possible to have a limitless octree: so it's not bound by the RAM size anymore
- #28, #6 - Level of Detail implementation to render large scenes more efficiently
@nerdachse For the Albedo type and amazing support!
@DouglasDwyer My nemesis; Check out his project it's amazing! ( I hate him )
@Neo-Zhixing For his amazing project and awesome idea about how to utilize hardware RT for Voxel rendering!