Create a sample cqrs library.
keywords: Openshift 3.11, cqrs, eventsourcing, Quarkus, Kafka, Debezium
Split in two parts:
- mutable The mutable part deal with data manipulation using event sourcing pattern.
- consumer The consumer part deal with consuming event sourced data
From the console under the project run this:
docker pull debezium/postgres:11-alpine && \
docker pull debezium/connect:1.4.1.Final && \
docker pull confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.2.1 && \
docker kill $(docker ps -aq); docker rm $(docker ps -aq); docker volume prune -f; \
mvn clean test install
ssh [email protected] 'docker pull debezium/postgres:11-alpine' && \
ssh [email protected] 'docker pull debezium/connect:1.4.1.Final' && \
ssh [email protected] 'docker pull confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.2.1' && \
ssh [email protected] 'docker pull adoptopenjdk/maven-openjdk8' && \
ssh [email protected] 'docker pull docker:18.09.7-dind' && \
ssh [email protected] 'docker pull busybox' && \
scp -r -p openshift/jenkins-pipeline.yml [email protected]:/tmp && \
ssh [email protected] 'oc process -f /tmp/jenkins-pipeline.yml | oc apply -f - -n ci-cd' && \
ssh [email protected] 'oc adm policy add-scc-to-user -z jenkins privileged -n ci-cd'
testcontainers :
testcontainers Spring Boot :
jenkins kubernetes :
OKD 3.11 fix jenkins version :
OKD 3.11 local installation :