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scaling vignette
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smitdave committed Feb 16, 2024
1 parent bd5c951 commit bdd1317
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Showing 3 changed files with 283 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -82,5 +82,4 @@ export(xde_scaling_Z)
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion R/mobwork-package.R
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@

## usethis namespace: start
#' @import exDE
#' @import knitr
## usethis namespace: end
284 changes: 283 additions & 1 deletion vignettes/Scaling.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -10,4 +10,286 @@ vignette: >

This is a test.

Load the required packages:


# {.tabset}

## `xde_scaling()`

The function `xde_scaling()` defines the relationship between the EIR and the PR, and it outputs stable orbits for each value of aEIR in a mesh from $10^{-1}$ up to $10^{3}$ The code is in `mob_library/Work`
Do we need two versions?

The cohort trace functions in `exDE` take the form of `F(a, bday=0, scale=1).`

F_eir = function(a, bday=0, scale=1){scale*(1.01 + sin(2*pi*(a+bday)/365))}

scl = integrate(F_eir, 0, 365)$value

make_F_eir = function(F_eir, bday, scale){return(function(a, scl=1){scl*F_eir(a, bday, scale)})}
F_eir1 = make_F_eir(F_eir, 0, 1/scl)

integrate(F_eir1, 0, 365, scl=2.3)$value

xde_setup_cohort(F_eir) -> sis

xde_solve(sis) -> sis

tt = seq(0:365)
p1 = list()
p1$eirScale = 1
plot(tt, F_eir(tt, scale=5), type = "l", xlab = "time (days)", ylab = expression(F[eir](t)))
lines(tt, F_eir(tt, scale=2))
lines(tt, F_eir(tt))
lines(tt, F_eir(tt, scale = 1/2))

xde_setup_cohort(F_eir) -> sis

xde_scaling_eir(sis, 25) -> sis


clrs = turbo(25)

```{r, fig.height=3.5, fig.width=5}
points(aeir, pr, col = clrs)
lines(scaling[[5]]$aeir, scaling[[5]]$pr, col = clrs[5])
lines(scaling[[10]]$aeir, scaling[[10]]$pr, col = clrs[10])
lines(scaling[[15]]$aeir, scaling[[15]]$pr, col = clrs[15])
lines(scaling[[20]]$aeir, scaling[[20]]$pr, col = clrs[20])

### `xde_pr2eir()`

Since `xde_scaling` defines the relationship between the EIR and the PR, we can now run `xde_pr2eir()` to get the predicted value of the eir, for any given value of the pr. The code is in `mob_library/Work`

We can run this for 50 randomly chosen values of the *Pf*PR.

preir_i = xde_pr2eir(c(0.001, runif(25, 0, 1), 0.999), sis)

The function flags any values that are outside of the acceptable range. This may not seem important for the SIS model, but the range of other models can be bounded, so we don't want to return nonsense values.


We can plot the others:

with(sis$outputs$eirpr, points(aeir, pr, pch = 15))
with(preir_i, points(365*eir, pr, pch = 19, col = "red"))

### `xde_calibrate()`

### `split_stratum()`

In `~/mob_library/Stratification.Rmd` we define the S3 function `split_stratum_by_biting.` Here, we use it to split a population into

```{r, eval=F}
sis2 = split_stratum_by_biting(sis, 1, 1, .2, sqrt(10))
sis2 = split_stratum_by_biting(sis, 1, 1, .5, 1/sqrt(10))
sis2 <- xde_solve(sis2)
xde_scaling_eir(sis2, 25) -> sis2

The shift mainly reflects the fact that 80% of the population is getting exposed at a lower level.

```{r, eval=F}
plot(sis$outputs$eirpr$aeir, sis$outputs$eirpr$pr, type = "l", log = "x", xaxt= "n", xlab = "aEIR", ylab = "PR")
axis(1, 10^(-1:3), c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000))
lines(sis2$outputs$eirpr$aeir, sis2$outputs$eirpr$pr, col = "darkred")

## Scaling {.tabset}

### $\oplus$

**To do**

+ ~~Codify the plotting protocols for $\cal X$~~

+ Write SIP plotting protocols & `split_stratum`

+ Get SIP up and running

### Seasonality

F_eir0 = function(a, bday=0, scale=1){scale*(0*a+1)}

sis0 = xde_setup_cohort(F_eir0)
xde_scaling_eir(sis0, 25) -> sis0

clrs = turbo(25)
with(sis$outputs$eirpr, plot(aeir, pr, type = "l", log = "x", xaxt= "n", xlab = "aEIR", ylab = "PR"))
axis(1, 10^(-1:3), c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000))
lines(sis0$outputs$eirpr$aeir, sis0$outputs$eirpr$pr, col = "tomato", lwd=2)
with(sis$outputs$eirpr, points(aeir, pr, col = clrs))
with(sis$outputs$eirpr, lines(scaling[[5]]$aeir, scaling[[5]]$pr, col = clrs[5]))
with(sis$outputs$eirpr, lines(scaling[[10]]$aeir, scaling[[10]]$pr, col = clrs[10]))
with(sis$outputs$eirpr, lines(scaling[[15]]$aeir, scaling[[15]]$pr, col = clrs[15]))
with(sis$outputs$eirpr, lines(scaling[[20]]$aeir, scaling[[20]]$pr, col = clrs[20]))

### Drug taking

sip = xde_setup_cohort(F_eir0, Xname = "SIP")
sip$Xpar[[1]]$eta = 1/40
xde_scaling_eir(sip, 25) -> sip
sip1 = setup_exposure_nb(sip, 1/50)
xde_scaling_eir(sip1, 25) -> sip1

with(sis$outputs$eirpr, plot(aeir, pr, type = "l", log = "x", xaxt= "n", xlab = "aEIR", ylab = "PR"))
axis(1, 10^(-1:3), c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000))
with(sip$outputs$eirpr, lines(aeir, pr, col = "darkorange"))
with(sip1$outputs$eirpr, lines(aeir, pr, col = "brown"))

### Heterogeneity

#sis3 <- setup_exposure_nb(sis2, 1/50)
sis4 <- setup_exposure_nb(sis, 1/50)
#xde_scaling_eir(sis3, 25) -> sis3
xde_scaling_eir(sis4, 25) -> sis4

with(sis$outputs$eirpr, plot(aeir, pr, type = "l", log = "x", xaxt= "n", xlab = "aEIR", ylab = "PR"))
axis(1, 10^(-1:3), c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000))
#with(sis2$outputs$eir, lines(aeir, pr, col = "blue"))
#with(sis3$outputs$eir, lines(aeir, pr, col = "purple"))
with(sis4$outputs$eir, lines(aeir, pr, col = "darkblue"))

### travel

sis5 <- setup_travel_foi(sis, delta_scale = 1/5/365)
xde_scaling_eir(sis5, 25) -> sis5

with(sis$outputs$eirpr, plot(aeir, pr, type = "l", log = "x", xaxt= "n", xlab = "aEIR", ylab = "PR"))
axis(1, 10^(-1:3), c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000))
with(sis5$outputs$eir, lines(aeir, pr, col = "darkgreen"))

### cohorts

**To do**

Fix `eir2pr` so it works.


eir2pr_steady(rm) -> ep

## $\boxplus$ {.tabset}

### $\oplus$

### What is a model?

[Model scoping](

> Scoping is the act of identifying a subset of elements within a larger set. When you scope a data model, you create a diagram to hold all the elements that are part of your scope. The diagram represents a view of your scope. Attributes that are part of the scope are highlighted with a color. Attributes that are not part of the scope are set as non-persistent.
[Model Features]

range / skill / adequacy

### `parse_deout`

+ the function `parse_deout` should compute and store all of these quantities

- the true PR

- by season

- by age from `age_membership`

- by sex from `sex_membership`

- *by location* - requires `patch_membership`

- *by trait* - requires `trait_membership`

- the observed PR

- with generic simple detection

- *by light microscopy* (if defined)

- *by RDT* (if defined)

- *by PCR* (if defined)

- the EIR

### other exDE

+ Finalize the changes to accommodate **Exogenous Forcing**

+ I/O

+ copy `solving.R` to `steady.R` and copy the `xde_solve` family of functions to `xde_steady`

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