Debezium Server is a standalone Java application built on Quarkus framework.
The application itself contains the core
module and a set of modules responsible for communication with different target systems.
The following software is required to work with the Debezium codebase and build it locally:
- Git 2.2.1 or later
- JDK 11 or later, e.g. OpenJDK
- Docker Engine or Docker Desktop 1.9 or later
- Apache Maven 3.8.4 or later
(or invoke the wrapper with./mvnw
for Maven commands)
See the links above for installation instructions on your platform. You can verify the versions are installed and running:
$ git --version
$ javac -version
$ mvn -version
Debezium Server depends on core Debezium. You'll need to install the most recent snapshot locally. First obtain the code by cloning the Git repository:
$ git clone
$ cd debezium
Then build the code using Maven:
$ mvn clean install -DskipITs -DskipTests
Then, you can build Debezium Server:
$ git clone
$ cd debezium-server
$ mvn clean install -DskipITs -DskipTests
Debezium Server is normally run by downloading the distribution tar.gz or zip file. You can generate this file by:
$ mvn clean package -DskipITs -DskipTests -Passembly
The archives can be found under debezium-server-dist/target
You can skip all non-essential plug-ins (tests, integration tests, CheckStyle, formatter, API compatibility check, etc.) using the "quick" build profile:
$ mvn clean verify -Dquick
This provides the fastest way for solely producing the output artifacts, without running any of the QA related Maven plug-ins. This comes in handy for producing connector JARs and/or archives as quickly as possible, e.g. for manual testing in Kafka Connect
The per-module integration tests depend on the availability of the external services. It is thus recommended to execute integration tests per-module and set-up necessary pre-requisities beforehand.
Note: running these tests against external infrastructure may incur cost with your cloud provider. We're not going to pay your AWS/GCP/Azure bill.
- Execute
aws configure
as described in AWS CLI getting started guide and setup the account. - Create Kinesis stream
aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name testc.inventory.customers --shard-count 1
- Build the module and execute the tests
mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -am -pl debezium-server-kinesis
- Remove the stream
aws kinesis delete-stream --stream-name testc.inventory.customers
- Login into your Google Cloud account using
gcloud auth application-default login
as described in the documentation. - Build the module and execute the tests
mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -am -pl debezium-server-pubsub
Login into your Azure account and create a resource group, e.g. on the CLI:
az login
az group create --name eventhubstest --location westeurope
Create an Event Hubs namespace. Check the documentation for options on how do this using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI etc., e.g. on the CLI:
az eventhubs namespace create --name debezium-test --resource-group eventhubstest -l westeurope
Create an Event Hub (equivalent to a topic) with 5 partitions. Check the documentation for options on how do this using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI etc. , e.g. on the CLI:
`az eventhubs eventhub create` --name debezium-test-hub --resource-group eventhubstest --namespace-name debezium-test --partition-count 5
Get the Connection string required to communicate with Event Hubs. The format is: Endpoint=sb://<NAMESPACE>/;SharedAccessKeyName=<ACCESS_KEY_NAME>;SharedAccessKey=<ACCESS_KEY_VALUE>
E.g. on the CLI:
az eventhubs namespace authorization-rule keys list --resource-group eventhubstest --namespace-name debezium-test --name RootManageSharedAccessKey
Set environment variables required for tests:
export EVENTHUBS_CONNECTION_STRING=<Event Hubs connection string>
export EVENTHUBS_NAME=<name of the Event hub created in previous step>
Execute the tests:
mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -Deventhubs.connection.string=$EVENTHUBS_CONNECTION_STRING$EVENTHUBS_NAME -am -pl :debezium-server-eventhubs
E.g. using kafkacat. Create kafkacat.conf:
sasl.password=Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=<access key>
Start consuming events:
export KAFKACAT_CONFIG= kafkacat -b -t debezium-test-hub
Delete the Event Hubs namespace and log out, e.g. on the CLI:
az group delete -n eventhubstest
az logout