Create a blurred images, take a screenshot, make a image with color...
UIImage-Helpers works on iOS 5.0+ version and is compatible with ARC projects. It depends on the following Apple frameworks, which should already be included with most Xcode templates:
- Accelerate.framework
- Foundation.framework
- QuartzCore.framework
You will need LLVM 3.0 or later in order to build UIImage-Helpers.
CocoaPods is the recommended way to add UIImage-Helpers to your project.
- Add a pod entry for UIImage-Helpers to your Podfile:
pod 'UIImage-Helpers'
- Install the pod(s) by running:
pod install
Alternatively you can directly add source files to your project.
- Download the latest code version or add the repository as a git submodule to your git-tracked project.
- Open your project in Xcode, then drag and drop all files at
folder onto your project (use the "Product Navigator view"). Make sure to select Copy items when asked if you extracted the code archive outside of your project.
- Make a blurred image with another image
#import "UIImage+Blur.h"
// jpeg quality image data
float quality = .00001f;
// intensity of blurred
float blurred = .5f;
NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation([self.imageViewNormal image], quality);
UIImage *blurredImage = [[UIImage imageWithData:imageData] blurredImage:blurred];
self.imageViewBlurred.image = blurredImage;
- Take a screenshot
#import "UIImage+Screenshot.h"
UIImage *image = [UIImage screenshot];
self.imageView.image = image;
- Generate a image with color
#import "UIImage+ImageWithColor.h"
UIColor *purpleColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:.927f green:.264f blue:.03f alpha:1];
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithColor:purpleColor];
[self.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:image forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.
A brief summary of each UIImage-Helpers release can be found on the wiki.
- Category for crop images