This repo is for CLIPPINGs as a clean and simple general purpose solution for multi-modal metric learning. This readme file is for the associated paper's ICCV submission. Given the size limit of the submission, we only show a sample of the data. The framework can be built up on any pretrained HuggingFace CLIP model by specifying the right arguments (or similar image-language models).
- : Contains the pytorch datasets, dataloaders and miners neccesary for training
- Contains a class defining an MLP which was a part of the experiments instead of mean-pooling (deprecated later, but the training script retains functionality)
- : To prepare the labelled and unlabelled data for newspaper image-captions (for both train and test)
- : Contains the main torchvision transformations needed to transform the images before feeding them into the model
- gen_synthetic_segments : Some data augmentation functions to prepare random augmentations (the codebase retains the functionality but no augmentations are used in the final results)
- : Script that supports both language-image pretraining of an underlying clip model as well as the main function to train "CLIPPINGS"
- : Run inference to embed image-text pairs given model weights, perform SLINK, find the optimum threshold using the val set and present ARI for the test data
requirements.yaml : The conda environment containing all dependencies
(Coming Soon)
This section provides the commands (with relevant arguments) to replicate the results in the main paper.
Use relevant hyperparameters as in the replication script and Table 1 in the supplementary material pdf.
Pretrain the base CLIP model (example)
python --clip_lr 5e-6 --train_data_type newspapers_unlabelled --wandb_name clip_pretrain_unlabelled_m1_newspapers_cc --training_type pretrain
Train the CLIPPINGS model (example)
python --clip_lr 5e-9 --train_data_type newspapers_labelled --wandb_name bienc_clip_nopretrain_labelled_m3_v3_newspapers_nosingle --m 3 --training_type train_bienc --im_wt 0.5 --k 3 --supcon_temp 0.1 --train_hardneg --loss_type supcon --checkpoint /path/to/pretrained/
python --im_wt {a} --specified_thresh {b} --split_test_for_eval --checkpoint_path path/to/
Use a and b from the the supplementary material table X to replicate the relevant result given model weights. Addtionally, use args --opt_im_wt to optmise the weight of image embeddings in the final CLIPPINGS embedding and remove the --specified_thresh argument to re-optimise the threshold given the val set.
python scripts/
ARI | |
Jaccard similarity | 40.3 |
SelfSup Visual Linking | 40.7 |
SelfSup Language Linking | 31.0 |
SelfSup Multimodal Linking | 43.0 |
Sup Visual Linking | 59.7 |
Sup Language Linking | 38.9 |
Sup Multimodal Linking | 61.5 |
Run the following file: