This is a lovingly ported version of Zack Schollz's Monome Norns patch called Icarus (original found here: for the Organelle M/S.
Zack originally based this on the Korg Monotron delay which makes sense if you have played with one of those. I don’t have a Norns (yet) so this was built entirely from code inspection and YouTube videos.
It has been a passion project of mine for a few months now to figure out how to do this using Supercollider on the Organelle and it is finally ready to share.
FEATURES: – 5 voice Polyphonic Super-saw Synth – Pulse wave sub Oscillator – Hard-wired, 100% wet, low fi delay insanity – Stereo Output (and input) – AUX key + physical keys 1-3 introduce temporary “shifts” – MIDI input support (setup in OG settings and relaunch patch, don’t forget to save) – Fun graphics!
INSTALLING AND RUNNING: Supercollider is a bit weird on Organelle! So there is a dance you need to do to make this patch work.
First: Installation requires internet access so we can install a prerequisite (jackd) and installation can TAKE SEVERAL MINUTES so please be patient and let it do it’s thing while the deploy script is running.
Second: Supercollider on the Organelle M/S (and therefore this patch!) will only run after installation if it thinks there is some kind of screen/display attached. You can fake this by restarting your Organelle and then going to Wi-Fi Settings -> Start VNC. This process actually crashes mother and you end up back at the root of the main menu. But even without connecting a display or signing in via VNC (or even connecting a network), after you land at the root of the menu you should be able to launch the launch the Icarus patch from the Synthesizers menu without issue. If you see a black screen and do NOT see “heating up supercollider” then you may have the display issue. Try the steps above again.
Have fun! Beware this can get loud.