Repository to version my current dotfiles and scripts to set up my development environment.
Currently, I'm using the same dotfiles to work either on MacOS and Windows WSL.
The main goal of this repository is to automate the setup of my development environment, installing all dependencies and setting up the configuration files.
Checkout the table of contents to navigate through the repository documentation.
Take a look at the following sections to clone the repository and give the script permission to run according to your operating system.
- Clone and give script permission Macos
- Clone and give script permission Linux
- Clone and give script permission Windows WSL
If you are using MacOS, you can clone the repository and give the script permission to run.
cd ~/ && git clone [email protected]:dev-vinicius-andrade/dotfiles.git && \
chmod +x ~/dotfiles/init.zsh
I'll separate this in two sections:
If you are using a Linux Os, you can clone the repository and give the script permission to run.
cd ~/ && git clone [email protected]:dev-vinicius-andrade/dotfiles.git && \
chmod +x ~/dotfiles/init.zsh
You can checkout more about installing WSL in Microsoft Docs case you don't have it.
If you are using Windows WSL, like I'm, that could be a little bit tricky.
As my linux tests were made on WSL, I figured out that the best way to clone the repository was to clone it directly on windows home directory.
So, let's use power shell to clone the re and navigate to your home directory and clone the repository.
cd ~ && git clone
As I wanted to use the same dotfiles in different systems, with different usernames, the best way i found to work with was:
- Connect to the WSL Distribution terminal Microsoft Docs
- Create a symbolic link to the dotfiles folder in the WSL home directory
Notes: If you cloned the repository in another location rather than the user home directory, you should change the path in the commands below.
ln -sn "$(wslpath $(cmd.exe /C "echo %USERPROFILE%" 2>/dev/null) | tr -d '\r')/dotfiles" ~/dotfiles
- Give the script permission to run
chmod +x ~/dotfiles/
After cloning the repository and giving the script permission to run, you can run the script to install all dependencies and set up the environment.
As some tasks need sudo permission, you may need to enter your password during the script execution.
After cloning the repository and giving the script permission to run, you can run the script to install all/or a specif set of dependencies and set up the environment.
Notes: The script location depends where you cloned the repository. As some tasks need sudo permission, you may need to enter your password during the script execution.
~/dotfiles/ #options
Checkout the Init Script Options section to see the available options.
After cloning the repository and giving the script permission to run, you can run the script to install all/or a specif set of dependencies and set up the environment.
Notes: The script location depends where you cloned the repository. As some tasks need sudo permission, you may need to enter your password during the script execution.
~/dotfiles/ #options
Checkout the Init Script Options section to see the available options.
After cloning the repository and giving the script permission to run, you can run the script to install all/or a specif set of dependencies and set up the environment.
- Connect to the WSL Distribution terminal Microsoft Docs
- You can follow the same instructions as the Running on Linux section.
Notes: The script location depends where you cloned the repository. As some tasks need sudo permission, you may need to enter your password during the script execution.
# The script will run all the tasks and asks for your inputs to continue;
# If you want to auto accept all package licenses, you can pass the -y|--yes|-Y flag
~/dotfiles/ -y #options
Checkout the Init Script Options section to see the available options.
Or you can run it passing some Init Script Options section to see the available options.
## The script will run all the tasks that are not already runned.
## The -y|--yes|-Y flag will auto accept package licenses
~/dotfiles/ --skip #-y|--yes|-Y to auto accept package licenses
You can also run the script to install only some dependencies. In the example below, the script will run only the wezterm init script.
# The script will run only the wezterm init script.
~/dotfiles/ --wezterm
You can also skip some specific tasks. In the example below, the script will skip the wezterm init script. So, it will run all the tasks except the wezterm init script.
# The script will skip the wezterm init script.
~/dotfiles/ --skip-wezterm
Let's assume you've run the script before with --skip-wezterm and now you want to install it.
# The script will run only the wezterm init script.
~/dotfiles/ --skip_package_installation --skip_update --wezterm
# This will skip the package manager installation and updates, auto accept all package licenses and run only the wezterm init script.
As the code can be updated, make it's more reliable to check the available options directly in the script using the --help flag.
Notes: The script location depends where you cloned the repository. As some tasks need sudo permission, you may need to enter your password during the script execution.
~/dotfiles/ --help
The script has some options that you can use to install only run some specific tasks. As the code can be updated, make it's more reliable to check the available options directly in the script using the --help flag.
Notes: The script location depends where you cloned the repository. As some tasks need sudo permission, you may need to enter your password during the script execution.
~/dotfiles/ --help
<name_of_init_script> can be one of the files in the scripts/zsh/init folder without the extension.
-y|--yes| -Y : accepts all packages installation licenses
--skip: Skip the already runned tasks
--skip-<name_of_init_script> : You set the skip flag for the individual scripts if needed.
--<name_of_init_script> : Run only the specified init script
--skip-package-installation | -spi : Skip the package manager installation
--skip-update | -su : Skip the package manager update and upgrade
--additional-packages : Install additional that are not in the package manager
--help : Will print the available options to run the script
- Script to install all dependencies and set up the environment
- .zshrc Zsh configuration file
- .zshenv Zsh Public environment variables
- alacritty Alacritty configuration files and themes
- nushell Nushell configuration files
- nvim Neovim configuration files/plugins
- starship Starship configuration files
- tmux Tmux configuration files
- zsh Zsh configuration files
- scripts Scripts to automate the environment setup
- wezterm Wezterm configuration files
- nushell Nushell configuration files