This is an application build during the Api-digest-2021
The application uses a 'RickAndMorty' api.
On the main screen, there are cards which display basic character info.
User can navigate back and forth among the different pages to view all characters.
There is a family tree for the Smith family which also shows character info upon clicking on a certain image.
We intend to add a filter feature which will allow user to search for a character just by name, species, status(DOA) etc.
Add the location and episode views.
A step by step series of instructions that tell you how to get a development env running.
Clone the repository
Open the project in Android Studio
Connect the Android phone and enable USB debugging OR Connect the AVD and have it up and running
Click on run in Android Studio
To quickly run the app on your phone, head over to Releases on right side of these page and download the .apk file for this application.